Jonathan Chance: So What is the Official List of Things You Want Me to Remain Silent About

Having read that first linked thread, I’m inclined to agree. I didn’t see anything moddable in that particular comment by Der Trihs.

On the other hand, Jonathan Chance in one of the other threads gave a pretty good summary of what’s wrong with Der Trihs:

When Der Trihs makes these sorts of comments, I’ve learned to just sort of shrug them off, but I can’t help wondering what happened to him psychologically that caused his hostility to overcome his common sense. Because he is smart enough to know better.

Sometimes I think the solution would be to force Der Trihs to share a house with a person who represents all that he abominates (Republican, religious, pro-life, patriotic American): Every week, twenty minutes of wacky sitcom hijinks would ensue, followed by a heartwarming reconciliation and a lesson that “maybe, deep down, we’re not so different after all.”