July is the longest month for mini-rants

Good morning. My mini-rant is that I have to call Social Security. After about 10 minutes of futzing with their phone menu, I get “We are experiencing heavy call volume, your call will be answered in about 35 minutes. Or we can call you back.” I picked call back, and now we’ll see if they really do.

Government, I understand you don’t like spending my tax dollars on actual services, but if we are going to have a program, at least fund it enough to get the phones answered!

I’ve always had those people call me back, so here’s hoping.

I’m just tired. I have like 200 calls to get through. It’s my fault, I was lazy, but still!

Turning on Ipod: No I do not want to sign into the fuckin “cloud”. I just want to use my ipod.

Then selecting podcast: No! Once again, I do not want to sign into the fuckin “cloud”. I just want to listen to the podcast that I preloaded onto the ipod.

Here’s a thought Itunes dickhead developers, You’ve got all kinds of various apps scattered all over the screen of this little gizmo that is used primarily by nearly everyone to just listen to or watch media that they pre-loaded into the device.

Maybe you could put “One more fucking icon” on the screen for the 2% of users who might actually want to log into your fucking cloud instead of having the operating system pester the shit out of the user.

Ditto - the callback thingy option has always worked for me - and I have nothing but TIME on my hands. I just hate sitting on the freakin’ phone. :frowning:

No, Sis, mom isn’t selfish. She’s broke. She offered to sell the boys the woods at a steep discount, but she can’t just give it to them. And she can’t just let them make payments on it, because that’s how she ended up losing the damn condo. One of your damn children is an idiot with money. If they want to buy it, the have to go to a bank and do it the legit way.
Our mother paid your bills for YEARS. She bought you cars. She bought your kids cars. She gave down payments for houses. And now, when her truck is on it’s last legs, she scrambles to pay bills, and (as I recently found out) is parceling out her meds to stretch them, you call her selfish?

My truck is back in the shop this morning. The part they replaced last week was defective. Free repair! Whee!

Well, they did call me back, and then I got to listen to another 7 minutes of their shitty “music” before someone came on the line. I gave my details, asked my question, and he put me on hold, with that awful music, for 10 minutes, and then the bastard disconnected me. I was so mad I hung up on the survey, which I suppose would have been my opportunity to complain about the stupid bastard.

So I tried again. This time I got a woman who actually sounded awake, and when she put me on hold there was no music, and she only took a couple of minutes. But she wasn’t able to answer my question any better than I could have done myself. SS administration sucks.

I hope you gave your sister an earful about this, and didn’t just waste it on us! Note to world: children are not entitled to anything from their parents past their 18th birthday, be said parents ever so rich. Anything you get after that is gravy, and you should be damn grateful.

Why is it that it’s the most selfish people who accuse other people of being selfish?

Is it because the world naturally revolves around them and you’re selfish if you don’t realize that?

Back, before my dad died, he made promises to my nephews - one, that my youngest nephew would receive $5k when the condo sold (where my other nephew and his family had been living) and two, they would inherit the woods when my mom died.
The condo never sold, as the nephew who had been living there basically screwed my mom over, my mom dithered too long after he moved out, it was WAY under water, and it went into forclosure. No $5K for youngest nephew.
Then, with the woods, my nephews talked my mom into allowing a partial clearing. They received $4K for it. My mom, HER woods, has never seen a penny. The woods are a disaster since dad died. She can no longer afford to keep them, so they have to go. This has been going on for YEARS, I’ve bitched about it numerous times. Who knew 40 acres could cause a family to fall apart? My sister and her sons on one side, me and my mom on the other side. Hell, until recently I hadn’t even spoken more than 10 words to my sister in the past year - and she used to be my best friend.
There are other issues - mom has said nasty things about sis’s husband (nothing more than sis has said herself, though), and sis decided to 100% stand by her man. I no longer have nothing to do with my nephews, due to comments they have made about mom.
It’s an all around sucky situation.
And no, I didn’t call her on it, I just gave her my patented “Look” and walked away.

Free rental while they’re dealing with it?

Dealing with a 9 year old with autism and ADHD sucks giant donkey balls. I’m so tired of it.

Another micro rant.

 OK folks.   I'm here to do nature photography.  You can tell by my stupidly large lens and tripod.   You're also here to do nature photography.   I can tell by your stupidly large lenses and tripods.   Your friends are here to do nature photography.   We've all come to the same popular place  to take pictures of skittish and elusive prey animals.  So why the fuck are you having loud and protracted conversations about all your buddies in the photographic community, and what they shot last week, where they're shooting next week, and blah, blah, blah?     In what sense is that stealthy?  In what sense is that considerate?

It’s just barely possible that the birds and critters in question are sufficiently accustomed to people to not pay much attention to loud conversations and movement. But not all of us are hear for coffee klatsch time. Some of us would like to enjoy nature without the constant goddamn chatter and frequent ringing of phones.

OK, I get it, for you, this is a social outlet as well as a hobby, and these are your peeps. But shooting anywhere near you is torture because you Never. Stop. Talking. At least have the fucking courtesy to wander off out of earshot while you’re yammering.

Bonus points to the women (usually) who have slathered on so much scented baby powder or similar chemical crap that even in the Great Outdoors, I have to sidle away to keep from choking on the errant billows of scent.

I want to rant about the uninspiring title of this thread. It’s like a prom dress made out of burlap and duct tape. That’s really all I got.

You take that back Morgenstern - I look absolutely fierce in a burlap and duct tape dress.

Nope, they had it fixed in a few hours, with car service to and from the shop.

Yeah, well, I realized there wasn’t a July thread and I absolutely couldn’t think of anything. I’m hanging my head in shame.


I think I’m getting a damn cold. Damnit! And tired. Going to bed early for once I guess.

If I’m taking time out of my already tight schedule to show up early so you have a workout buddy, please have the decency to call/text/send smoke signals if you change your mind, ESPECIALLY if you knew the night before that you weren’t planning on showing up because you left early yesterday and need to make up the hour today. Blaming it on the traffic when you’ve just shown up in work-work clothes instead of work-out clothes tells me you’re a liar in addition to being inconsiderate.

I am not the one constantly complaining about being 285 pounds and unable to do anything fun as a result. I have a way better gym at home than here, and am significantly happier working out in the comfort of my own basement, thus I am doing you a favor. You may not want to abuse that.

Dear Person Who Sent me the Following Private Message on Facebook:

You are still not going to silence my voice!