
I normally like debunking sites, but the global warming discussion on junkscience.com smells of obfuscation. Looking the site over quickly I can’t figure out whether they just have a mania on this one subject or are as loopy on everything else as well.

Those of you who are familiar with the site, what say you?

And do you also think it’s strange that the book featured on their front page, Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming, by Patrick J. Michaels doesn’t even have a single review on the Amazon page it links to?

Ah, yes junkscience.com. I suppose it’s to their credit that they were bashing environmental scientists even before ExxonMobil and friends made it so lucrative.

But the bottom line is the site pretty much defines ‘junk science’ as anything that will either cost large businesses money or would contradict the author’s lifestyle or prejudices.

Yeah, junkscience.com pretty much serves as a shill for global climate change skeptics and pro-DDT lobbyists. I came across it a couple of years ago.

Oddly enough, IIRC, it used to be listed on crank.net as cranky, but now it’s listed as anticrank? Wierd.
Anyway, there may be some legit stuff on the site, but I would look for a different source. After all, they claim the Top Ten Junk Science Claims of 2005 don’t include the fraudulent claim of cloning human embryos from South Korea, but instead offhand mentions an endocrine disruptor scare, as if endocrine disruptors were not a serious field of research?

Sounds political to me.

Junkscience.com is/was run by Stephen Milloy, who is on the payroll of the Cato Institute and Fox News. To call it partisan would be an understatement.

Cato recieves a great deal of its funding from the oil industry, and Rupert Murdoch (Owner of Fox and News International and director of Philip Morris) sits on its board.

To be fair, they haven’t always been such bugs about global warming, tho. I used to be a semi-active member of the message board there. There was a wealth of discussion about second-hand smoke in the days of yore.

So. Is it second-hand smoke that is causing global warming? Or protecting us from global warming?

Mooney’s The Republican War on Science (Basic, 2005) devotes an entire chapter to the use of “sound science” and “junk science” as political slogans, with Milloy and JunkScience.com fingered as an example (p74).

Thanks. That’s pretty much what I wanted to know.

I’ve read it on and off for a couple of years. Never had a problem with anything they said. Never saw a decent rebuttal of anything they wrote. And I learned a few useful things along the way.

I do have a problem with the guilt by association approach. And BTW what"s the problem with Cato or Fox? I’d be more impressed if someone could take the time to show me that one of these three groups had ever lied.

A great reply came from the science writer at the Post some years ago, the big problem is that places like Junkscience are made with the purpose to stop discussion:
