Just A Suggestion

Obviously, the sock puppets and impersonators pull a boner from the reactions they receive.

I have a feeling they would soon grow bored and leave if everything were handled through e-mail whenever you spot one of these idiots.

If you see one of these dipshits in action, why give them the satisfaction of knowing that they pulled your chain? Just e-mail a moderator and make them aware of the problem instead of feeding into their need to disrupt. They do the things that they do for ATTENTION! Those of you who respond or create new thread to voice your anger are only playing into their game.

If you don’t respond, you’ll leave the gimps sitting at their computers, tiny pecker in hand, growing more and more frustrated by the lack of masturbation material. Sooner or later they’ll go find another board who will give them the satisfaction or else they will develop a bad case of blue balls.

Sock puppets are not restricted to a select group of users.

I agree with you that by not acknowledging them, they will go away. But that will work with only the current batch. It does not mean that a new breed of sock puppets can arise, because they will. There will always be people wishing to be other people.


I’ll change my OP and say that a sock puppet should be confronted when they are found out. I don’t think most sock puppets do it for the attention, but instead as a last pathetic attempt at proving a point.

I’ll stand by my original thought in regards to ignoring the impersonators and trolls and instead report their antics to the moderators via e-mail.

I would like to interject that sock puppets are always referred to in the masculine sense. And with everyone seeming to assume that, why do so many people find it necessary to emasculate these sock puppets? I doubt if these sock puppets are getting “boners” from masquerading as someone else or from pulling everyone’s chain. I don’t believe they are masturbating, or have little peckers or get blue balls when they can’t talk on the board. In reality they are probably just pissed for getting kicked off the board and are venting their anger/frustration instead of moving on with their life.

I don’t understand why people don’t say what they mean when they flame somebody? I don’t like to see a man’s masculinity attacked anymore than I think women like to see another woman de-feminized. If you think someone is an immature jerk, say that, call them a fucking asshole, but not all the pecker, masturbation, blue ball stuff. Also I have seen people on this board say people are a waste of life just for being a jerk. We all know there are worse things in life than being a jerk on a message board and no one deserves to be have grossly ill wishes applied to them or to be emasculated just for being a jerk.

I realize these sock puppets are annoying sometimes, but many of them are actually pretty funny for their brief lives, and even when they are not, firing off an email to the mods is more effective than lambasting them so horrifically. Fighting ignorance is just not about being smarter in the way you think, but also about being more tolerant in the way you think.

Sorry if you think I am wrong, but my own genitalia is hurting/shriveling on reading some of these particularly wrathful lambasts.

PLEASE don’t feed the Trolls! :smiley:

Hey dicklips. You flame your way, I’ll flame mine.

Got it fuckstick?

:::I now resume ignoring the frustrated, pecker holding, blue balled trolls and other miscellaneous fungus:::

Devil in Disguise, your post almost made me puke. I am sick of the gibberish that you post in this forum.

Stay the fuck out of the pit. You have absolutely no understanding of what is being discussed here.

Thank you. Have a so-so day.

english to french, french to german, german to english
I would like to interject that Strumpfmarionnettes are always mentioned in the male sense. And with everyone, which seems, that to take over is why, it, so many people it finds necessary of emasculate, strikes this marionnettes? I doubt, if this Strumpfmarionnettes receives " boners " masquerading as someone from other one to pull or everyone on chain. I do not believe to have or the blue balls receive that her masturbating or small peckers, if they cannot speak on the board. In reality they are probably fairly pissed, in order given vapors a blow received from foot except board to and their meadow/frustration out, instead of changing over with their life.

Larrigan, how come your version makes more sense?

English to French, French to German, German to English, English to Furbish

"Okay, sleep done.

Wheeeee, little peckers big fun!

Peek booo!

Uh oh, boring.

Uuuuhmmmmmm. . . .

Blue balls no fun.

Me no have brain.

Me scared.

Snoooort, woooo woooo woooo
Snoooort, woooo woooo woooo
Snoooort, woooo woooo woooo
Snoooort, woooo woooo woooo"

Diane – Go Now, Ye Ball Eating Witch, and Return Not!!


It’s douglips.

Oh, I’m sorry, you were talking to someone else. My mistake.

Ummmm noooooo. . . .

That would be ball-licking wench or ball-kicking bitch, it all depends on the circumstances.

I must have missed something here. Am I guilty of being too nice or what? I thought the only rule on the board is “don’t be a jerk”, and I am pretty sure I never have been. But it seems to me that flaming me for doing nothing but expressing a reasonable opinion IS being a jerk.

I don’t understand why people go to such extremes to flame someone, particularly when they haven’t really got to know them very well. To me it is the equivalent of giving the finger to every person who pisses you off when you are driving your car. I can understand the flaming for some of the longer standing feuds, but I don’t get the rest of it.

Wally, I don’t know what you are referring to when you said you are sick of the gibberish I post in this forum. Do you mean in the pit? I have only posted here a few times so maybe you are confusing me with someone else. If you are talking about the message board in general, then I guess you would have to tell specifically because I think I speak quite clearly.


<< wringing hands helplessly >>

Oh, please, can’t we all just learn to get along?

<< collapsing theatrically into chair, limp hand to pale forehead >>

Actually, FWIW, I thought DiD raised kind of an interesting point. The first resort for an insult in practically any human language is a sexual one, so I found myself wondering, “Hey, yeah, how come we always seem to assume the troll or sock puppet or whatever is male, and use insults based on possession of a penis?”

But then I realized that the alternative, the female equivalent, would be to go around shouting, “Cunt!” at the suspected trolls, or make rude remarks about their clitorises, all of which is not only distinctly non-PC, but doesn’t even make for very good flames. “Slit!” or “Bint!” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it as “Peckerwad!”

And if there are insults based on the clitoris, I’ve never heard any of them. I guess English is just better at flaming guys–is that perhaps a function of its total domination for centuries by Dead White Males? << look of innocent inquiry >>

Either way Diane, I’m going to be watching my balls if ever we do get together for that lunch. :slight_smile:


Jeeesh, you know how to make a girl feel attractive. We meet for lunch and you can’t take your eyes off your balls. :smiley:

BTW - Where ya been, stranger?


Been strange. :slight_smile: And busy, very busy. I still read the boards pretty regularly, just not much time to post.

And I could never keep my eyes off you. :slight_smile:
