Just Curious Why I Get This Message On Some Threads

Thanks Samclem, but I thought I had seen several times (please don’t ask for examples) where in years gone by Mods had actually performed the correction when it was really obvious. Perhaps the workload or rules were different then. It seems a bit of overkill to send an email to all Mods - from the workload perspective- although I understand I can email one.

Can this post please substitute for an email to have the title corrected?

Typo in thread title fixed.

I think the more common situation where a user tries to access a cornfielded thread isn’t when the mod forgot to uncheck the box, but when the user just hasn’t refreshed the forum list since the thread was cornfielded. It’d be a sequence of events something like this:
1: User opens General Questions. One of the threads in the forum is “Enl@rge ur manh00d”.
2: User clicks on the first few (legitimate) threads in GQ, and reads through them.
3: A beautiful, diligent, chocolate-deserving mod notices the thread, and nukes it from orbit to be sure.
4: User clicks on the link to the spam thread (which is still there, because user hasn’t yet refreshed) to correct the misspellings in the title.
5: User gets error message.

Of course, there are other possible triggers, but the basic idea is the same: Maybe the user already has the thread open, but gets the message when he tries to report it, for instance.

  1. Where did Jerry go? Mitch & Murray found he came in third?

  2. Why is Coventry the cornfield for stuff? (Ie, :confused:)

Not to speak for sam, but I don’t think he realized you were talking about the title to this thread, in particular. You can put a request to fix a typo as a post in a thread, as you just did, but there’s no guarantee a mod will ever see it. If you report the OP of the thread where you see a typo, the board automatically sends an email to all the mods assigned to that forum. This is the quickest and easiest (for all parties, mods and posters) way to get issues like that addressed.

Sorry, I don’t have any more information for you on this one. We weren’t told where Jerry went.

Coventry as we often use it here comes from a Robert A. Heinlein story called “Coventry”. In the story, Coventry is a place where troublemakers are sent, and are kept separate from everyone else by impenetrable force fields.

The Cornfield refers to the Twilight Zone episode “It’s a Good Life”.

Both of these are often used to refer to stuff that gets “disappeared” here, for reasons that should be fairly obvious.