dog. My free pup is costing me a lot of money I suppose.
As I posted in this rather emotional pit post last fall, my six month old 25 pound pup got off his lead and went to the road and got run over by a truck.
The guy who hit him was beligerant and rude. He said I don’t care if he is alive or dead as long as I get my money for the deductable. Basically his truck was trashed way beyond what I felt my pup could have done. The fender was dented, head lights broken and valance panel cracked wide open. I took one look and said “I am not going to pay for all that”
Police were called, we were not cited and guy came to my house wanting to give me the estimate. Never at any time did he ever inquire about my dog. He told me "I don’t care if it is alive or dead; all I want is a check for $500. I refused.
Now we are being sued for $650. Can you believe how petty that is? It’s the principle of the thing, he nearly kills my pup and has no remorse. He is a cold hearted money grubbing scumbag in my opinion. I refuse to be bullied. If he wins I will pay him back in the slowest and most annoying manner possible. Maybe mail him a bag of change every week or so with a running receipt attached.
How can I find out what the local laws are regarding dogs in my area? The guy hit him in our driveway, does that change anything? How do I defend myself? My attorney’s paralegal said I should just show up with my vet bills and a pic of Jake and make the guy prove that my dog alone caused that damage.
Anyone want to offer any free legal opinions? I just need to know where to look for the info.