Just say no to Kerry's dumbass daughters!

I drank nettle leaf tea today.

Outa what? I just told the truth, that’s all. I’m all for Kerry and all, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to choke down all the gooey propaganda the Dems have to offer. Fuck that shit.

I blame all of the OP’s problems on bad sushi. And the ensuing double serving of crow is probably not helping either.

Try some Pepto.

Yeah, it’s a good grill.

Which would be really good for the OP, as apparently all that fat is going straight to his head.

Did I actually say anything you disagree with, you belly-aching turd? Why don’t you come out from behind the curtain, Mr. Oz, and tell me what’s your problem? The daughters suct, and that’s plain for all to see. If you’ve got a variant opinion, then let’s hear it!

I think my biggest problem with you is the way you keep typing “suct.” How old are you? Twelve? Learn the language, jackass.

Children praising their parents is “propaganda” now? So Kerry’s kids said they admire their father and want him to win. It may be a little syrupy and not especially informative, but it’s not propaganda unless you think they’re just pretending to support their father.

The Bush daughters are going to support their father too. I don’t really have any interest in their opinions but I would expect them to support their father and say nice things about him. I’m not going to call them liars or insult their physical appearance over it.

These guys have to showcase their credentials as family men. It’s stupid but that’s how politics is. The public wants to know if they’re good dads. It’s just one of those things you have to sit through at a convention. It doesn’t make them bitches.

Not that anyone asked but I think that all of Kerry’s and Bush’s daughters are perfectly hittable. None of them are supermodels, but they’re all reasonably attractive.

Oh, I see. Diction’s your thing, eh? Glad to know you actually disagree with something I’ve said.

You’ve shown you’re true colors, tiger. What a stupid fucker. :slight_smile:

Oh, it’s propaganda for sure. Only certain slides are available for this Viewmaster. “Family man” in 3D, but no talk of the previous wife’s breakdown or their divorce.

Now now. I didn’t call the Kerry daughters liars. I merely insulted their horseface physical appearance.

No, their appearance didn’t make them bitches. They justed seemed like bitches anyway. Still, you have given the first reasoned reply here, and I thank you for it.

Eh, maybe a quick spooge for when your really antsy. Nothing too exciting there.

Ah, just fuckers say you. No words about their appearance, demeanor, ability to suceed in their careers? I thought not.

Thanks for stepping up to the plate and proving your anti-woman bias, turd-fucker. C’mon, be a man and admit that you didn’t like the daughters because you know you could never even have a conversation with women of their caliber, let alone get laid? You are so transparent that in comparison, Alexandra’s dress was as modest as a Puritan’s bible.

Run along and let the adult talk now, dear. Someone will play with you later.

I find Aeschines rage in these posts to be, well, I guess “manufactured” is the word I’m looking for. He’s trying too hard. I’m not buying it.

Aeschines, dude - put down the crack pipe and step away from the keyboard.

Does having a ‘horseface’ make what one says “gooey propaganda”, or was this something in particular that they actually said (a quote or two would be nice) that makes you dislike them so much? Or was it just a snap judgement based on some preconceived prejudice you have, with no basis in fact?

My, that’s really classy of you.

And a line of advice, which I’ve ripped off from a favorite movie of mine: the decaffeinated brands can be just as tasty as the real thing.

Actually, “fuckers” was too strong a word, and I apologize for it. How about “dipshits”?

It’s absolutely true: such women would never lay, probably never even talk to a middle-class guy like me. Someone who’s actually had to work for everything I have (little as that may be, I freely admit). Hell, it would probably take billions to turn their pretty little heads. Call it class envy; you’re still right. Call it frustration with the fact that the politicians who talk about the “two Americas” are still fuckin’ stinky rich. And “caliber” in your quote above can only mean riches, nothing more. The two struck me as being fairly devoid of content.

Yeah, I do believe my frustration and anger are pretty obvious.

Uh, you’ve deigned to play in this sandbox. What’s your excuse, hon?

Kallessa or whatshername I think helped me to connect with what IS genuinely annoying me: the privilege that these people enjoy, with which I have no connection whatsoever and probably never will. The cognitive dissonance I am experiencing realizing that Kerry is all I’ve got, and I really don’t LIKE the whole vibe of him and his rich family. The girls, I am sure, are not bad human beings. But the packaging they’ve recieved from the puppeteers of the convention, in turn used to package Kerry himself, was just too much for me to stomach.

So yeah, more than rage, it’s a feeling of “bleh.” And I can’t get into the constant drumming about Vietnam, either.

You haven’t said anything. Calling Kerry’s kid’s “ugly” isn’t a refutable argument. It’s a subjective, meaningless judgement call that has nothing to do with the content of their speeches, their father’s campaign, the election, or modern American liberalism. It’s gratuitous, sexist horsecrap. You want people to reply to the substance of your posts, ya gotta include some substance, first. If all you can do is spew insults, don’t expect to get anything back but more insults.

OK, I’m sorry. Can we be friends?

Maybe, but you can’t play with my GI Joes.

The gestures WERE kinda funny. After a while I could predict when kid #1 was going to point. Very rehearsed.

What really would be cool is the Bush daughters vs. the Kerry girls in a fistfight. I think Texas would win that one, unless Kerry’s kids ended up hiring someone to kick Barb and Jenna’s asses for them …