Just turned 40. WTF is happening to me?

Is there a expiration date on my youth? Hoo Hah.

Two weeks after turning the big Four-O I got a haircut. Now, whenever I run my hands through my hair I find a couple between my fingers. And in my hairbrush. And in the shower drain. Oh My.

I have bought size 34 waist trousers as long as I can remember. Suddenly, they are too tight. My pants leave marks on my waist. Oh God.

Used to be, I could remember a phone number if I dialed it once…weeks or months ago. Now, I can’t remember my own cell phone number. Good God.

I don’t wear glasses. My vision is perfect. But I can’t read the credits running on my tv screen after the movie I just watched. Great Googly-Moogly.

What is happening to me?

You’re getting better and better. Life is best when it’s blurry.

Two weeks after turning the big Four-O I got a haircut. Now, whenever I run my hands through my hair I find a couple between my fingers. And in my hairbrush. And in the shower drain. Oh My.
this has been going on with me for years. runs hand through hair, pulls a few hairs from his fingers

I have bought size 34 waist trousers as long as I can remember. Suddenly, they are too tight. My pants leave marks on my waist. Oh God.
I had to go through that a few years ago, too

Used to be, I could remember a phone number if I dialed it once…weeks or months ago. Now, I can’t remember my own cell phone number. Good God.
Which is why I learned to love the magic of speed dial.

I don’t wear glasses. My vision is perfect. But I can’t read the credits running on my tv screen after the movie I just watched. Great Googly-Moogly.
squiiint sorry can’t read that.

oh…did i mention that i’ll be 20 in 3 weeks?

20? I hate you sooooooooooo much. :slight_smile:

Alas, I fear there might be. Than again, maybe not : I feel old but not grown up.

It’s not the youth that bothers me (tho’ a toyboy might be nice :slight_smile: ) - it is more a question of "OK so WHERE isit, this “life” that starts at 40?

Sulky Celyn stomps feet
Celyn will soon be 42 :frowning:

I highly recommend reading “The Day I Turned Uncool” by Dan Zevin. He raises being a reluctant grown-up to an art form.

Well, they say the memory is the first thing to go.

The second is…well, something, I can’t

You probably just didn’t notice yourself changing before that. Remember when you were 12 & your body started changing & you’re like, boy, Im old already :slight_smile: ?

What’s happening to you?

You’re entering one of the best times of your life, enjoy!

Hey! What a coincidence! I just turned sixteen today! ::ducks and runs:: :smiley: Forty’s young, though - heck, Tom Cruise is forty-one and still very popular (even among teenage girls)!

Happy Birthday!

I didn’t freak out turning 40. I just never considered going bald or getting fat. Maybe it is just paranoia caused by a random numeric event.

The biggest surprise is that I now find many fortyish women as attractive as younger women. Never thought that would happen. :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Birthday. Now go to the public library and borrow a copy of Dave Barry Turns 40.

I am two months away from 40 and seriously depressed about it. I can’t be 40! I just can’t wrap my mind around it.

pfffft - you young 'uns make me laugh!!! HA! :smiley:

I made it to about 45 before I needed the trifocals. And I do find I pause more frequently trying to remember what the heck I was doing or where I was going. But I wouldn’t go back to my 20s for anything. The older I get, the less I care about image and what people think about me. I’m gradually turning into one of them old folks who says any outrageous thing that comes to mind - you can get away with that when you’re old. And in January, I turn 50, so I’ll get all them AARP discounts!

Yay me! :smiley:

Oh, yeah, Happy Birthday, wakimika!

I never needed a calender to remember appointments.

Last Friday, a couple of friends and I were out quaffing beer. We walked away from a place, just teeming with beautiful young women* because:

  • We wanted to sit down, while drinking
  • We wanted to be able to talk, without screaming to be heard over the music.

A friend of mine got himself a remote controlled model airplane and a Mercedes Convertible this spring. He’ll be 40 next year (Go figure!)

I’m getting a membership at a health club. I’m up to 38" in waist size (Well, I am 6’4"). Tomorrow. Any day now… this week fer sure.

It seems I might be needing glasses.

Still got all my hair. As thick as ever. I think I got that from my dad, who at 71, after three months of chemo didn’t lose his hair.

I don’t seem to wake up w/ a hard-on every morning.
Yeah. Life’s getting blurrier. Which I guess is good, since I can’t drink as much as I used to, without getting a really wicked hangover.

*Who all thought that we were old farts, who should go to a place with people our own age and not monopolize the bar counter.

First of all, Happy Birthday, wakimika!

Second of all, I know this was really intended to be kindof a funny thread, but I hope you won’t mind if I add something in all seriousness.

Shortly after turning 40, I, too, started noticing little things like my hair and skin becoming dryer, I was putting on weight for the first time in my life, my joints ached, I was becoming more forgetful, I was crankier than usual, I felt a wee bit depressed, and I tired more easily. Like you, I chalked all those symptoms up to “getting older” – it happens, so just live with it. Well, while age might have had something to do with my condition, it had nothing to do with my symptoms. IOW, there was a reason besides mere age that I was suffering all those things – hypothyrodism.

I finally got tired of being tired and forgetful and cranky and depressed and my hair falling out and getting fatter and joint pain (amongst other things), so I went to the doctor for a complete physical and asked him to check my TSH levels. Sure enough, they were sky high (see the above link for an explanation of what that means). I just started on thyroid hormone replacement and already I can feel a big difference!

So while it’s fun to make fun of getting older, if you’re seriously experiencing the symptoms you describe in your OP, there’s no harm in getting a checkup and a simple blood test.

Again, Happy Birthday! And may our '40s be the best decade yet! :slight_smile:

Ahhhhhh don’t you worry about losing hair.
You’ll find it sprouting fast and furiously soon enough.
From your nose
Your ears
Those extra long eyebrow hairs…

Isn’t aging, a freaking laugh-a-minute? :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Just wait until you reach the point where “Pulling an all-nighter” means you were able to sleep the whole night without having to get up to use the bathroom.


When I turned 40 (4 years ago), I dyed my hair orange and got goats. I can hardly wait to see what I come up with for fifty.
And there are a lot of hot 50+ year olds around, never mind you young 40 year old types. :wink: And they’re nowhere near as old as they were some years ago. And it’s not just because I can’t see them as well. Really. It’s not. Actually I think that men in their early to mid 50’s are incredibly sexy. I have for a long time. And now that I know so many more of them, it’s not for the same reasons I thought it would be. But I still find them very attractive. Go figure.

Oh…My…God. I’m not just 40. Now I might have diseases and hair coming out of my nose and ears? :o

It’s all good. Embrace it. I love it. At some point in my late 50’s I can celebrate being 50,000 days old. Er, that would be early 60’s I guess.

Still, I’m telling ya, one of the hottest, prettiest and sexiest woman I know is now 50. Life is strange, yeah, life is strange.