Kansas lawmaker goes full-on wacko

We (the royal we, I think) aren’t blaming you, we’re explaining to you. It performs perfectly consistently as it’s just looking for things like Open Graph or oEmbed tags, which apparently aren’t included in the source of the link you posted. Those tags allow the original source to control what is shown and how it looks on the remote site that knows how to handle such tags (like Discourse).

I’m pretty sure it’s not considered a bug (in the Discourse software) by the developers (Hi @codinghorror !) and I would agree with them.

I took as given BigTs technical explaination of why the feature is sometimes inconsistent. But don’t really give a shit about the cause, it is the effect that is the problem. (And no, it isn’t always immediately visible, on my phone at least–sometimes the link shows correctly and sometimes it doesn’t for the same post.)

Back on topic, our GOP-led legislature here in Kansas continues to amaze. You might recall Gene Suellentrop, the president of the Senate who was recently busted for DWI while driving the wrong way on I-70. He just voted against a bill which would give a 2.5% raise to some state workers. His reason? The recent stimuli checks “were sufficient to increase the income of some state employees by 10%.” Apparently his accounting skills are right in line with his driving abilities.

Also, Kris Kobach has announced his intention to run for Attorney General in 2022.

How desperate IS this place for substitute teachers, anyway?

So, is Samsel going to announce the formation of the exploratory committee for his 2024 presidential run? Or will he try to make bail first?

“If the Biden administration tries to take away our Second Amendment rights here in Kansas, they’ll have to get through me first,” Kobach said at an event in Wichita announcing his run. “If the Biden administration tries to relocate illegal aliens to Kansas in violation of the standards of federal law, they’ll have to get through me first.”

Fear and faith. That train ain’t never late.

I’ll help Mr. Kobach with his speech:

But if one of my colleagues in the State Legislature – just s’posin’ here – wants to go off on a demon-inspired, bath salts-fueled, ecclesiastical tirade, and maybe knees one of your kids in the 'nads, I’ll stump for that guy in the next election.

#Murica !

“The Legislators of The Corn”

Kansas Rep. Mark Samsel is out of jail a day after being arrested for battery against a high school student, but he says the incident was staged.

He said that it was not even a mod note or anything. Jeez.

If it wasn’t a mod note or anything, then it was just some guy talking, therefore I could react to being condescended to like I was a newbie. Jeez.

And, I might add, after the lack of summary had been pointed out and I had already addressed and corrected it.

It’s better to run from prison as a martyr.

IIRC, for the 2012 Democratic primary, Barack Obama actually lost the state of West Virginia to a pro-life person who happened to be running from prison at the time. The news was surprising but completely unimportant.

Mr. Samsel isn’t running in a primary against a sitting president. He could actually do that. I don’t think he has the profile of Ted Cruz or Ron DeSantis though, but this could end up giving him sufficient profile.

We may need a sequel to What’s the Matter With Kansas.

Potentially quite desperate.

This is from a few months ago, and of course conditions vary. But it’s an indication of what could be going on.

James M. Curley successfully ran for his first term as mayor of Boston while in jail.

Bet the farm.

I don’t remember Kansas being quite so insane. What the hell happened to Kansas?

I don’t think it’s Kansas specific, these guys roam the Bible Belt. This place didn’t have any patience for it but any old town you run across might have been the one from Footloose and accept this kind of crap.

Kansas did a sharp right turn in 2010 when Sam Brownback was elected governor. We used to have about 33% right-wing GOP, 33% moderate GOP, and 33% democrat in the state legislature. The GOP moderates have disappeared and the far-right loons have full control of the asylum. Our democratic governor stands no chance of being re-elected in 2022, at least at this point in time.

As @TriPolar suggested, we’re not the only state in which this is happening.

The guy’s Facebook posts seem to be in line with his teaching style. (I don’t remember if they said what he was subbing for, but I’m preeety sure it wasn’t English.)