Keep my Mom in your Happy Thoughts

I know about the thyroid thing. I had my thyroid removed some time back because it was full of suspicious growths. The pathology report even mentioned “the presence of giant multi-nucleated cells,” which scared the bejesus out of me, but here I am more than seven years later, none the worse for wear. I remember how frightening it was, but when they tell you there’s a very low probability of malignancy, they mean it, and even when there IS malignancy, it’s almost always easily removed completely. Try to keep that in mind, although I know it’s impossible not to worry.

Coldfire, I hope your uncle comes through this all right. That sounds truly awful for him and for your family.

I’ll be thinking of you and yours, Eutychus and Coldfire.

My very best to Euty’s mom and Coldy’s uncle.

Thinking happy thoughts for Euty’s mom and coldy’s Uncle. Give them my best.

My thoughts will be with both Eutychus’ mom and Coldfire’s uncle.


Best to both of them! (((Euty’s Mom))), (((Coldie’s Uncle)))