Keep your fingers crossed for Tiniest Minion of Sauron

Well, keep him away from hobbits with volcano fetishes and he should be ok … Of course, at that age, I’d worry more about the little minion flushing the Ring down Mount Doom. :smiley:


If prayers and good wishes mean anything, then certainly add mine to the stack.

Poor baby! Warm fuzzy thoughts and good vibes headed towards you guys.

Rocephin usually is good stuff. Was the repeat shot Rocephin too? Hope the little one gets better soon!


Best wishes to all in Mordor. Hope the little chap gets well soon.

Sending warm thoughts your way!

Prayer sent.

I’ve got a Josh too, so I put a little extra into it :slight_smile:

I hope he’s feeling better real soon.

Umm people - wouldn’t good vibes * Harm * a minion of Sauron? Anyways, I wish him eldritch vibes, and hope that son of a fellow Evil being recovers to terrorize those puny humans.

Poor thing. Sounds like he’s on the mend, though. Send him much Canuck Doperlove :slight_smile:

Thanks to one and all for the good vibes, prayers, thoughts and well wishes.

The Tiniest Minion seems to be doing MUCH better. I took him for a walk around the lake in our neighborhood on Saturday morning and he helped me feed the ducks.

Yesterday he skipped church and helped his big brother and Sauron carve a pumpkin.

Still no day care this week. My in-laws are coming over to help out 3 days so maybe we won’t have to miss much work.

Thanks again!

Nice to hear, Aries. Good deal.