Kennedy: Ich bin ein berliner - What if he visited Hamburg instead?

Ah, a Beatles reference to Stu Sutcliffe getting beaten up in Hamburg, leading to his brain hemorrhage?

As for the OP, yes, when a person outside a group claims unity with that group, it can often get awkward. Folks should probably just say “we stand united with you!!” and leave it at that :wink:

Actually I saw your post and got it, then later forgot it was there. :smack:


Ich esse ein hamburger.

The name’s Kennedy. Remember it. :wink:

IANAG, but Ich bin der Hamburglar, I think.

Kennedy wasn’t able to visit Amerika since that was a part of East Germany at the time.

Now you’ve done it–we have to establish the proper gender: das Hamburglar? die Hamburglar? Crap, it’s been a long time since junior high German class; I’ll get back to you. Oh, Herr Taber?

Hamburglars end up in jail, sooner or later.