KGS you silly boy, get your ass in here

Wait, never mind. Found it. Check post #153 of that thread:

What do you say now, huh?

Point missed. You said that you never took the stance that psychic powers exist, which is pretty disingenuous from someone who has already claimed to have them, albeit in another thread.

Wait, never mind. Found it. Check post #153 of that thread:

What do you say now, huh? You fuckin’ little liar.

(Oops, sorry bout the dbl post.)

Wait a minute, what point are you arguing here? And why the fuck do you even care?

But that statement is saying you DO believe they exist, certainly - that they are rare, and don’t always work, but that they do exist. It doesn’t prove the point you’re trying to make.

The point that you lied. Everybody sees it, so why not just admit it and attempt to explain yourself? Really, what were you trying to achieve by denying your firm stance that psychic powers do exist?

I just have a problem with liars in debates, 's all.

I think I see your point, but I’m not sure. Could you please expand on this at length.

You assert that I lied. As for “everybody sees it”, let’s take a vote.

Show of hands, everyone. In your opinion, did KGS lie?

Just in case anyone takes this “vote” seriously, here’s what we’re voting on:

The person who posted this also attempted to pass himself off as someone who hadn’t taken the stance that psychic powers exist but, at most, intimated that they might. His attempt at defense is probably going to be along the lines of “that post only referred to that specific thread, and in that thread I never took that stance”. It’s up to all of you if you find him disingenuous despite that.

Well, he has this ability to sense things…

I’m just zis guy, y’know?

You have the ability to post whatever you want on an internet message board (well, subject to moderation, of course.) The rest of us can hope that we see you at your best, but we have no way of knowing if that’s what you’re expecting from your own posts.

'Course, the Pit isn’t really the forum that brings out the best in any of us. (with the possible exception of Sauron)… on which note, this thread doesn’t seem to have taken a positive turn at all. :frowning:

You claim you did not say psychic powers exists, then how can you have a “psychic reading” as you said in this post?

Your criticisms of the way psychics are tested throughout that thread certainly gave me the impression that you believed psychic powers exist. As an example I give you this post. If you like I can trawl through the thread for some more examples.

“Lied” is a word that is much too kind for the game you’ve been playing here.

I predict that this will not end well for you.

You know, I’ve been through this thread twice and I haven’t seen the rest of my pack yet. Just me. Maybe it was a failure to communicate. I tried to tell the rest of the pack that we should just get some cell phones, but noooooooo. We had to stick with the psychic powers. Now I’m on a message board and they’re probably off killing a deer or something. Ruins yet another weekend. :smack:



That’s what happens when you hang around the waterfront. I could think of a lot better locations to be a wolf. Deepwoodswolf, Alaskawolf, Upperpeninsulawolf, but nooooooooooooooooooooo, someone wants to watch the ships come and go.

Serves you right.

Not at all. I simply was not using “slander” as a legal term. I was using it as a conversational term. Sort of a shorthand for–

which is clearly what you did. And is what you, to this day, have not atoned for. However else you decide to spin this brouhaha you will be unable to hide the fact that accused ianzin of actions and intents that were false. Your accusations, that is. Until you retract them your words, as far as they reflect your character, are meaningless.

But the sound of the waves is so soothing. It helps me get to sleepies.

And no. I have no idea why I’m not the alpha male of the pack.

In his defense, he nailed my question spot-on.

Yeah, I also stopped reading that thread, and until I saw this thread I figured the other one was all a joke too.