Kids' mischief

Everybody probably knows some such incidents…the little kids who make horrendous messes in the kitchen, or write messages on the bathroom mirror with Mommy’s lipstick, or compromise the cat’s dignity by covering him with clothes, Elmer ’ s glue, or shoe polish.
When I was a kid, I caught hell for flushing the wooden roller, for the toilet paper, down the toilet.
Your examples, please?

My nephews had a White-Out fight. All over my sister’s new couch. They also had a canned vegetable fight - with open cans. And there was the time my youngest nephew didn’t look in the oven before turning it on. Did you know Tupperware can really flame up? Almost burned down the building. They went through three bunk beds before my sister gave up and squeezed two twin beds into their small room. She lost a few coffee tables, at least one TV, one dining room set…
Finally, sis bought them their own boxing gloves and would send them outside whenever things started getting rowdy.

Sounds like cheap insurance–better late than never…

My friend left her maybe 12 year old son and his playmate alone for a few hours. They left criss cross burn marks all over each others bodies, having taken their shirts off and used electric mosquito bats to brand each other.:smack:

I was a wicked child. I used to play tricks on my wonderful, kind, and long-suffering mom.

For example, one time I loosened all of the light bulbs in the living room very slightly, just enough so that they wouldn’t light up. My poor mom assumed a fuse had blown. Replacing the fuse, of course, did no good. Meanwhile I was watching her, silently chuckling to myself. When she finally figured out what the problem was, I was nowhere in sight. She knew it was I who had done it. My sister would never have done such a thing.

When we were kids and had a cat, who of course made life miserable for mice, my older brother wrapped a dead mouse in newspaper and chased our Mom out of the house with it. :smiley:

The siding on my grandparents house was asphalt shingles similar to the roofing type. My two cousins and I discovered that if you bent a shingle up high enough it would just snap off. For whatever reason (probably boredom) we spent the next hour snaping the siding off their house.

Apparently I had a field day with a jar of Vasoline when I was a tot.

My niece just got caught decorating her room with baby powder.

Who, … Me?

When I was a kid Alka-Seltzer tablets came unwrapped in a long glass tube. I used to love playing with them to make them fizz on drops of water on the counter top. They’d zip around on all the bubbles they’d produce. One day I decided to fill the glass tube with water and watch the whole tube fizz. Lord, what a mess.

When I was still in diapers, I thought my piggybank should have a diaper too. So I put diaper cream on its rear end and stuck a kleenex to it.

I was fighting with my little sister over a plastic toy dog, I would have been 4 or 5 years old at the time.

Yanked it away from her and right through the side of the 20 gallon fish tank.

In my case it was me and my little brother, a plastic inflatable turtle, and the glass front of the barrister bookcase.

I put an entire album full of photos, one by one, into a bowl of water and swished them around. I was developing them, like I’d seen on TV.

I also took a model helicopter my dad had recently finished and dropped it out of my parent’s bedroom window to see if it could fly. The rotors turned 'round.

Sister’s dolls were often beheaded and flushed down the bog.

When I’d just finished infant’s school and started primary, I was very much in love with my teacher. I was not happy when she took a day off and absolutely hated the substitute teacher for committing the crime of not being her. Concocting a cunning plan, I asked if I could go to the toilet, which was in an outside block. Went out, walked past the classroom window in the direction of the toilets, dropped to the ground, crawled underneath the classroom window back towards the cloakroom, got my coat and noped off home. My mum wasn’t in, so I played in the back garden. Neighbours spotted me and someone from the school ended up dragging me back while I kicked up a perfectly justified fuss. Ended up spending the afternoon back in the infant class, which was bloody awesome 'cos I got to play on slides instead of learning how to write or something else tedious. Actually, much of my primary school experience involved teachers chasing me while I attempted to escape.

Oh, there was also the time my mum took three or four year old me shopping and we nipped in the post office just before it closed at lunchtime. There was a bright red toy car on display and I wanted, no, needed it. My attempts to have a rational discussion about how my owning this car could probably save the universe or something were rebuffed and my mum took me home. A bit later, while she was busy cooking, I got on my tricycle and pedalled off in the direction of the post office. It was closed when I arrived, but I tried the handle and the door was unlocked. So I went in, went behind the counter, grabbed the car and gleefully pedalled back home with my prize.

Sadly, my mum noticed that this red car I was happily playing with in the back yard looked very much like the red car she’d seen earlier. She dragged me back to the shop to give it back and say sorry. Which is why she’s going in a home when she’s older.

For some reason I liked braids, possibly because my sister had long braids in her hair and I didn’t. One time I found my sister’s scarf, which had a long fringe, and braided it. Then I braided the braids. She was furious.

Let’s just say that I love my toddler–and she’s goddamn lucky I love her–and leave it at that.

I’ll take your word for it.

One year I got an archery set for Xmas (one of those little, 15-pound draw fibreglass jobs) first shot in he backyard put an arrow straight through one of my dad’s good shirts.

My mother still tells the story of when we were in a big department store and I decided to play hide-and-seek by concealing myself inside a rack of floor-length coats. She had 1/2 the store looking for me and was on the verge of contacting the police when I decided I had ‘won’ and ran out expecting a far more enjoyable reception than I got.

Nor did my parents understand that a box of matches made toys far more interesting :frowning:

My daughter had quite a few of those. Turning around and finding her like this (yes, that’s her) was somewhat common place for a while. She’s just about 9 now and there’s a HUGE stain on her carpet from where she went nuts with the Vaseline (or maybe diaper rash cream), either way, big giant stain that I never got out.

My sister once poured flour all over the cat while my mother was on the phone.