"Killed by Tylenol" illustration

I realize that the illustrator is not Cecil (it’s “Slug” right?), but I think that the illustration should be truer to the article.

http://www.straightdope.com/columns/000929.html, Cecil’s column “Does Tylenol + alcohol = liver failure?”, shows the poor guy’s kidneys failing, or does he have two livers in his back?

C’mon, Cecil, the kidney failure bit was just an afterthought - show the liver failing!

I would guess that Cecil won’t let Slug use a yellow crayon.

I asked the same question in the Tylenol and Alcohol thread, but it seems to have been overlooked.

Although Cecil no doubt thinks of Slug as “the illustrator for my columns”, my guess is that Slug thinks of Cecil as merely being “my straight man” – i.e. Cecil’s job is to drone on about some obscure topic just long enough to inspire Slug, the real star. And if two oozing kidneys turns out to be funnier/more visually interesting than one liver, then Slug will no doubt follow his muse in that direction.

Maybe Slug took his inspiration from this: