Pretty simple, actually. For standard kitchen sponges - we use the yellow ones that have a green, rougher side for a bit more scrubbing power:
How often do you replace yours? (For us, probably every 2-3 weeks)
At night, do you squeeze it out and put it on the side of the sink, or leave it saturated, in the sink. (My wife and I differ on this one).
And, for the second question, does anyone have any info about whether either answer is “better”? E.g., don’t squeeze it out, it will dry out vs. don’t leave it saturated, it would increase the chances that bad bacteria forms? I would not be looking for an opinion - I have one of those - I am wondering if there is a generally-accepted “correct” answer?
We use one until it starts looking scruffy, at least a couple of weeks. Leaving them wet makes them start to stink, IMO. I prefer to squeeze out the water and set it on the side of the sink. My wife usually leaves it in the sink. It bugs me, because if I dump out something, like the coffee pot dregs, I often don’t see the sponge and it gets saturated with whatever I’m dumping. Occasionally, we run one through the dishwasher cycle, but by then it should be replaced anyway.
We use blue ones with one rough side. I’d say a week, at most, of use before discarding. They get gross, and are relatively cheap. I’m far from a germaphobe or neat freak, but old sponges do bother me.
I use the blue ones. Replace it every couple of months I guess. We have a brand new set of cabinets that has a hinged door thing in front of the sink. It folds down (kinda neat) I always rinse the sponge and wring it and store it in one of the little plastic trays in said door thing.
My wife use a dish rag that is always wet and gloppy. Kinda bugs me.
eta - we have a dishwasher, so the sponge or rags don’t get a lot of serious use.
For whichever of you prefers to leave it wet in the sink - can you explain why that’s your preference?
We squeeze ours and leave it in the wire holder with the bottle brush. We run it through the dishwasher if it seems to need it, and replace it if it gets stinky or shreddy - probably once every couple of weeks because we don’t do much hand washing.
I use two regular sponges. One for dishes and one with a corner cut off for cleaning.
When the dishes one starts getting a little sad-looking, I cut the corner off and it becomes the new cleaning sponge and the old cleaning sponge goes in the trash. The fresh sponge out of the package becomes for dishes.
I put mine in the dish drainer to dry. I couldn’t imagine leaving them on a solid surface to stay wet. Gross!
I use a blue sponge with a rough side and replace it roughly every 3-4 weeks, or when it starts to smell or look gross. I have a little suction-cupped sponge rack in the corner of my sink where I keep it, and I try to squeeze it out thoroughly after I’m done using it and about to put it in the rack.
I also use a washcloth to wipe off the counters, etc., with and I keep that draped over the faucet, replacing it with a new one every 1-2 days.
Apparently one of those life hack tips is that you can put a (wet!) sponge in the microwave and effectively autoclave it. Doing this with a dry sponge apparently leads to evil.
Generally when my dish cleaning sponge gets shady enough looking, I demote it to counters and stove top duty. I don’t clip corners or anything clever like that, but if I can’t distinguish between the current “good” sponge and the current “bad” sponge, then it’s time for a new one.
I have three grades of sponge: dishes, countertop, and floor. I keep them for dishes until they smell or look ratty. They go through the dishwasher occasionally.
My husband leaves then wet in the sink, or floating in a pot left to soak. I put them above the sink to dry, but I can’t say I’ve ever tried to wring one out.
I use the blue ones with the scrubby texture on one side and have been trying to keep the same one for a month. Periodically, I smell it and if it smells unpleasant, I either microwave it when it’s sopping wet or I run it through the dishwasher (as part of a load of dishes). That seems to kill whatever nasties have accumulated in it.
I use the one-scrubby-sided ones too. I use them until they all apart but throw them into the washer every day (or two at the most). I try not to dry them because they turn into weird little briquets when I do.