Klingon Proverbs

Man can live by blood alone.

Don’t count your targs before they are clamped to the throat of your enemy.

Good batleths make good neighbors.

All’s fair in war and… more war.

The best things in life are pointy.

Dead men tell no tales, but a well-placed corpse is eloquent indeed.

Never stab a gift horse in the anus.

Life is a box of chocolates. They look like shit and eventually one will be full of a dishonorable man’s poison.

Beauty is in the blood of the beheaded.

Money can’t buy happiness. Unless you use it to buy a Bird of Prey armed with quantum torpedos.

Drink not with thine boss’s daughter.

Faint-hearted moments
Bring thousands of years of scorn -
The choice is not hard.

The means justify the ends: If the war be good, the cause was sufficient.

Better to die with an admirable foe than live with a contemptible friend.

Form follows function: what use to spill all your enemy’s guts with a single splendid blow, if you slip in the gore and fall victim to a lesser man?

Every Klingon knows that gagh tastes revolting, but it is amusing to watch the reactions of humans who do not know this.

Classic Klingon Reply

Unless you intend to challenge him to a contest of strength and honor for the prize of his daughter!

Klingons on marriage:

No man enjoys you having intercourse with his daughter, no matter ho many licenses you have.

You can attract more Targs with a bloody corpse than you can with honey.

A knife in your enemies chest is more honourable than two in his back.

If you have a secret remember: A blind man may not see you but he could tell, a deaf man may not hear you but he can see. A mute can not say anything but he knows. A dead man is more preferable than these.

Nobody doesn’t like SaraLee! Under pain of death!

kingpengiv: Kang knifed the Albino in the back on DS9’s Blood Oath. Does that count?
Or was that a “Whatever spills blood suits me” thing?

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” (Napoleon, actually, but it could be Klingon.)

Honor only lasts as long as a man can fight, but dishonor is eternal.

Ten thousand enemies cannot stain your honor as much as one wrong friend.

Too many cooks spoil the bIreQtagh, kill them.

“What is sauce for the Targ may also be used to drown it.”

Always look before you leap, else you might not land on your enemy and break his spine.

“Where there is smoke, there is fire. But, hopefully, you shall be long gone before anybody notices.”

All that glistens is not entrails.

He who fights and runs away
Shall be hunted down by his comrades

A coward dies a thousand deaths. A hero kills a thousand cowards.

Revenge is a dish best served cold. – Turkish proverb

Today is a good day to die. – Sioux saying