When I was in grade school, the eleventh commandment was Thou Shalt Not Pop A Bag In The Lunchroom. That is, blow up a paper or plastic bag like a balloon, then pop it. The accepted wisdom was that someone could be startled by the noise and choke to death on their PBJ. So there was this one guy who, about twice a year, would pop a bag. I looked forward to this with relish, because when we heard POP, to a kid, everyone would stop what they were doing and go "OooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! Except me; I would laugh myself sick. It was the dumbest rule; it was just asking to be defied, but I was really laughing at everyone’s burlesque reaction.
In the first two grades, we had an ongoing activity, something like tag, but it wasn’t a game as such. You would try to touch (poke with a fingertip. Oh get your minds out of the gutter!) a person of the opposite gender. When you succeeded, they were “corroded”, and a person of their own gender would have to use their index finger as a spray can and sanitize them.
Anyone else have stories of those things that everyone in your school, group or whatever, did?
Remember, I’m pulling for you; we’re all in this together.
—Red Green