Kool-Aid Man is refreshed

How about when Peter crashes through Mr. Kool-Aid’s wall - “Wow. You know, from the other side that’s kind of annoying.”

Was that the same kid that ate the Pop Rocks and washed it down with Coke?

My friend’s next door neighbor’s ex-husband’s new wife’s hairdresser is going out with a guy who lived next door to that boy’s cousin’s girl friend.

If this is the type of backstory they’re giving him, I’d rather he just crash thru walls. It’s plain creepy seeing Kool-Aid undressed & in the shower.

From the article in post #4:

Here’s what I think of Kool Aid man

The good folks at Robot Chicken had an interesting take on Kool-Aid Man


That CGI image of Kool-Aid Man is horrible. He looks as though he’s barely being held together by some unstable process and his going to break down into a pile of goo at any moment. The look on his face reflects this tortured knowledge.

I haven’t seen a Kool Aid commercial in years. I wasn’t even sure they still made Kool Aid as I haven’t seen it in stores either.

There’s a Family Guy bit where Peter rolls down a hill and crashes into Kool-Aid Man’s living room. Kool-Aid Man doesn’t think it’s so funny when it happens to him.

Here it is.

My pants also have 22 different flavors if I wear 'em long enough.

I think I’ve heard of that.

And as Abraham Lincoln once said, anything you read on the internet must be true.

Kool-Aid and Hawaiian Punch dude are gonna get married.

Everyone knows you can’t lie on the Internet.

I want to know how a glass pitcher can crash through a brick wall and remain intact. Is the Kool-Aid Man made of some kind of experimental transparent material? Carbon nanotubes? Was he a government experiment that escaped? Can he not develop close relationships with people because he’s always on the run from black helicopters? These are questions I want explored in the new commercials.

That’s true. I read it on the Internet.

Bonn jurrrrrrr.

So, what’s it like to be a French model? :wink: