Ku Ku Kachoo: What does it mean?

“Give peace a chance…”

Provocative question Hottius Maximus btw I love your name, btw2 way I hope you’re a girl :smiley:

Ku Ku Kachoo means the walrus has an allergy, you know?

Su sussudio!

Gabba gabba hey!

As several have stated, it seems to be a form of psychedelic skat.

Bands like Steely Dan and even Yes would use words (lyrics) for their sonic merit, and the lines didn’t have to make sense. Just one more example of the Beatles trying innovative ideas.

You must be misremembering. According to this Playboy interview excerpt:

I am a man.

It’s Lithuanian for Boop Boop Be Doop

Wouldn’t that be Hottia Maxima?

(That’s actually a genuine question. I have no idea.)

LOL! Perhaps my female counterpart would be either what you said or Hottia Maximette!

It means they stutter when they sneeze.

Ku ku kachoo rhymes with 23 skidoo, which I also have no idea what it means.

It is a fact that koo koo kachoo is an allusion to Walrus. As far as drugs go, “It’s a little secret, just the Robinson’s affair, Most of all you’ve got to hide it from the kids.” A lot of free-floating paranoia bait in that song. You had to be there.

I don’t know if it helps, but “Mrs. Robinson” was originally “Mrs. Roosevelt.” When Paul Simon got the commission for The Graduate, he used the song as is, changing only the name.