Anyone a fan of this show besides me (he asked knowingly)? I just recently received the entire series from Amazon, and have been overdosing on Shaolin ass-kicking/philosophy for a few weeks.
For those too young to be familiar (and it is a statement of the age of the rest of us that there are probably quite a few here), it was a television show that ran in the early 1970s, which seems to have been the start of the martial arts craze in the USA.
It starred David Carradine (recently of the “Kill Bill” movies…because of this show, actually…watch them if you haven’t), and chronicled the life of a monk from China who was half-Chinese, half-American that came to the American southwest during the “wild west” years of the 1800s to find his roots. He came with a price on his head, so people were always out to get him and collect the reward money.
It was spiritual, transcendent, and trippy to the extreme. The show would cut between his current life in the American West and his former life in the Shaolin temple in China. Frequently.
(I realize that a lot of people are familiar with this show; but I also realize that a lot of people probably are not. I’m not trying to be condescending…just informative. It was a long time ago. Lots of younger Dopers have probably never heard of it.)
What kills me is that my nephews (who postdate my birthdate by about 20 years, thus growing up in the late 80s/early 90s) were just as enamored of martial arts as I was as a child. The difference is that their influence was “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.”
My influence was “Kung Fu.”
I think I was better off.
For those who care and do not know: it IS out on DVD, and it’s worth every penny. I haven’t seen these in 30 years, and I am in heaven. Master Po’s eyes glow as white as ever.
Indulge, reminesce, meditate.
Snatch the pebble from my hand, Grasshopper.