Ladies and Gentlemen, let's hear it for the Jemison Starship!

The Pentagon is looking at designing a Generation Starship? Cool!


Hate to burst your bubble, but it’s actually a one-year study into seeing if they (DARPA/NASA) want to commit resources to a 100-year ongoing project in cross-pollinating with other sciences to further space tech and space-going developments.

I’m pretty sure the original year-long project ended last year in November, and now it’s going to sit online for a while and get ignored.

Not nearly as fun, I know.

No bubble burst. It was obviously a paper study.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s hear it for the Jemison Starship!”
I thought Paul Kantner retired from music.

These days the government only funds warp drives or routine tin-bending and nothing in between.

Before getting too excited over this, be aware of the Jemison, Alabama connection.