Ladies and Gentlemen, the search for the King of all Geekdom has been found.

Iam sooo jealous.

I AM a geek girl. Trust me on that. And even so, I’d have to dissuade somebody from doing this. Even if it is rather cool looking.

His mom’s basement, huh? Why am I not surprised?

Hell no. That was the part the excited me :smiley:

All I can say is …

Oh. My. Goodness.

I mean, I’ve known geeks, I’ve loved geeks, I am a geek. But this?

I suppose if you like living in a movie set.

(you gotta admit that some of the details are pretty good though…)

NO! STOP! You didn’t say that! :smack:

Wonder if he’s got the ST:TNG skin for Windows on his PC?

Wrong century for me. I’d have gone with the original series. All those buttons and switches to play with…Tom Paris had it right: tapping panels just isn’t as satisfying.

eonwe, i really hate to say this… that is the last verse. to win a star trek house you have to start at the very beginning.

Now that’s dedication.

And I thought I was geeky for having a few Star Trek novels.

Dodged that bullet…

Internet Law #176: Someone out there is even geekier than you. So don’t feel too bad.

Um… thats Law #175.

#176 is: You will always get a porn pop up when your girlfriend is behind you.

Garius…where can I find the complete list of internet laws?

Both of them made me guffaw.

Law #1: If you google, they will come. :wink:
actually i’m gonna start a thread on this - feel free to contribute.

Garius… on the internet “they will come” usually is spelled differently.

New euphamism: It’s not taking a poop, it’s a Vulcan butt meld.

I dunno. I think they probably look more like these.

excellent, nurse carmen!!!

You live in that? You’re braver than I thought.


Well, those handle “one end” of the matter as it were, but for the Vulcan buttmeld, he’s gonna need something else. Perhaps a replica of the space shuttle’s toilet. (Uniquely designed so that the shit is supposed to hit the fan.)

I sent the link to Überdork’s place to a buddy of mine and one of his comments was, “I bet he’s got one hell of a porn collection.”

You know, I have an intense and sometimes unhealthy geek fetish, and this turned even me off.

He he he, and my wife still wonders what goes on down here in the basement.:dubious:

Just had a thought: What if this guy (or someone like him) was a Doper? Would the pile-on (as fun as it is) continue? Would we all rush to be the first to post a [Nelson]Ha HA![/Nelson] whenever he commented on something?