Ladies & Gentlemen: Our Articulate President

We need the intern camps to get all those recent grads who can’t find a paying job in this economy off the streets. :smiley:

It wasn’t a scripted joke. Bush’s audience simply laughed at him.

I think that implication of a conscience to be shaken is interesting. It certainly implies much, much more than “they hate our freedoms.” This implies a belief that the conscience, once awakened, will rectify a wrong. I mean why else mention a conscience?

Curioser and curioser coming from the “they hate our freedoms” guy.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a scripted attempt at a joke. Remember that the Bush camp vets all questions that will be asked to the President, and undoubtedly prepares Bush for the trickier ones ahead of time.

This just goes to show what happens when you sit down and decide domestic policy after stay up all night being drunk off your ass while watching Deep Space Nine.

As for the rest of his remarks…sigh I’m not surprised.

I think we should have a special sign right outside the Situation Room that reads, “Your IQ must be this high to launch the nuclear* weapons.”

  • Not “nucular”, dammit.

Well, if that’s the case, they certainly didn’t prepare him very well for the question about tribal sovereignty. He bumbled around that one like someone who doesn’t even know what the words meant.

In other news, your intelligence relates to how intelligent you are, and your Christianity reflects the fact that you’re a Christian.

Fucking genius.

There’s a Clinton joke in here, dammit, I just can’t get it out.

So old walnut-brain really said, “I wish I wasn’t the war President. Who in the heck wants to be a war President? I don’t.”

Well, there is just one thing to say to him: “Then why in the goddam fucking hell did you go and start a goddam fucking war in Iraq, ya goddam fucking moron!”

Excuse me.

This is just too much. How can anyone with a brain larger than the gonads of a tse-tse fly vote for someone like this???

Don’tcha just hate it when that happens?

Well, it would have been a crappy joke anyway…

This isn’t a Bushism, but he said something stupid today and I didn’t want to start a thread about it.

Yeah Kerry, your rolling back the tax cuts idea is doomed, because rich people know how to scam the government. Hyuck hyuck smirk.
From that same article, Bush supporters show their stripes:

Damn that Freedom of Speech anyway!

Where did he say this? I want to know so I can attribute it properly when I print it out at 11" x 17" and put it on the wall.

He said it at the signing ceremony of The Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2005.


From that last cite:

Oh yeah, we also know by his actions that he means it.

:rolleyes: I’m getting a lecture on comedy from Brutus? I know what that sort of joke sounds and feel like. I do them pretty well myself, and I can see Jon Stewart do them just fine on The Daily Show. Bush’s face after the sentence doesn’t indicate he was going for a laugh, and it fits too well into what he said before to be just a joke. And in the off chance I’m wrong, if it was a joke, it was a really unfunny joke.

Heh, thanks. Anyone wants a pretty sign to hang on their wall, let me know and I’ll send you the .pdf.

So we’ve got two possibilities:

  1. The “leader of the free world” is a total moron.

  2. The “leader of the free world” is now making jokes about the war on terrorism.

Are you saying that option 2 is acceptable? Either way, the man is a fucking disgrace.

Hey, forget the War on Terror, the response about tribal sovereignty was not scripted and got a laugh–because Bush is an idiot and knows nothing about federal Indian law (dammit, where’s Sofa King when you need him?!)

Yep, it wasn’t a joke. He simply knows nothing about the subject. A pity, since a careful understanding about sovereignty issues in the US might have helped him understand some of the international objections to the “War on Terror” (ahem, the war in Iraq).

They played this over and over on British TV the other night.

Freudian slip doesn’t even come close…


Yes! Please.

Done! Anyone else?

lol bush is dum