Ladies, is this unsexy

Well, I can kind of see you doing the coupon. The groping didn’t sound like you. But yes, the coupon part was entirely believable, given your past posts. Not that you would do it maliciously; but that you would possibly think the math all works out fine for you to pay for your “half” with a coupon. You do seem to be a young man who is (perhaps legitimately) quite concerned with his finances, being a student and all. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself.

Glad to you know that you would really not do such a thing! Because if word got around, you would be the lonliest student at U of I (that’s where you are, right?)

Grits and Hard Toast, I’m glad you found such a sweetie :slight_smile:

Darn… beaten to the punch line… :stuck_out_tongue:

Read the whole thing again.

Wonder if we had the same boyfriend. I dated a guy like that, too. Jobless lazy-ass who sponged off everyone around him, but no one was ‘allowed’ to acknowledge it.

I was supposed to hand him money in secret, too, and the couple of times I accidentally said something out loud or handed him money visibly, he threw insane temper tantrums and accused me of being the biggest asshole ever who had no consideration for other people’s feelings (drawing even more attention to himself, but whatever.) I knew it was ridiculous but I was so surprised by it that I didn’t really fight back.

By the end of our relationship I wouldn’t give him anything, not even hypothetically water if he was on fire and I hated being like that, because I’m normally a very sharing person.

I’m glad you and I are both free of that bullshit.

I’ve had cheap first dates before but they remained first and only dates. I’ve had a few that complained so bitterly all evening long about the cost of everything (but insisting on paying for it all) that I felt like a jerk for being there wasting their money, and another who afterwards bragged that he had written off the entire evening as a business expense–he would put it in his tax papers that I was a potential customer he was trying to woo. Well, I suppose that was almost accurate and I decided against doing business with him.

Yep I read it all… it did seem all a bit too farfetched ! The sucker part was quite funny.

[Official Moderator Warning]Actually, you are coming across as a person who likes to jerk people’s chains to get a reaction. You know that this is not allowed on the SDMB, and you will not be told about it again, understand?[/Official Moderator Warning]
Locking thread.