Ladies; The Word "Moist"

I’ve used it as a euphemism for horny, too. Had no clue it held so much ooginess for so many. :confused:

It depends on the usage - post # 18 is right out - but I feel like this, too.

But I can use it to describe cake just fine without cringing.even a little.

Nah. It’s just a woid.

This suffers from the thing where, if you repeat almost any word out of context, it starts to sound weird. I think it was Bill Cosby that did it with “obey”.

“It sounds like pig latin.”

Doesn’t bother me. I think it can soudn kinda hot, when used right.

It does sound a bit tinny…

Oh, look, antelopes!

Only in one context. You still want your turkey to be moist when cooked, eating cake that isn’t moist is a drag, and nobody is going to think you have horny eyeballs if someone remarks that your eyes were moist after you heard a sad story.

What the heck is wrong with panties?

But together? It breaks the oogymeter.

Mine is “slacks”. I think it’s because I picture chubby men in the 1970s with lots of chains, wearing polyester slacks. I shuddered just typing the word.

These towelettes are total sluts.


Sorry, what?

A friend of mine always says, “The night was moist.” during a humid summer night. He’s quoting “Throw Momma From The Train”.

Now that I know it’s freaks people out, I will use the word “moist” more often.

So how do you guys feel about “juicy”? :wink:

Moist panties.

Uuughhh. Makes me want to go change my underwear, just thinking those words.

Moist? phooey. How about “soggy”

I can’t explain it, it just is cringeworthy. It’s probably my least favorite after a bunch of offensive vulgarities.

Wow. One more example of how out of the loop I am. Neither ‘moist’ nor ‘panties’ oogs me out. In fact, it has never even occurred to me that anyone could be ooged out by a word.

Thinking about it, the only word I can think of that oogs me the least little bit is ‘cum.’ And that’s just because of the spelling. Say it out loud and I’m cool; use it in writing, spelled ‘come’ and that’s fine too.

Edited to add: Oooh! I thought of another – ‘luv.’ Like ‘cum,’ it’s the spelling. Call me ‘love’ out loud and that’s fine, call me ‘love’ in writing, that’s fine too.


What about “sopping”?

I can’t think of any word that bothers me, either to say or hear. And I’ve never known anyone who had a problem with “moist” … “cunt,” yes, but not “moist.”

But that doesn’t explain why it would affect people who just hear the word, right?