My mother had 4 kids and she told me that of all her children I was the easiest delivery.
She was a nurse and she helped with delivering babies and she said, her delivery of me was the easiest.
She said, she woke up at 5:30am, and felt off and woke my father off and went to the hospital. She said, they got to the hospital at 6am and rushed her into the delivery room. She said, one big push and it was over, I just flew out. I was born at 6:03am
I know women always have horror stories about their deliveries so I thought I’d ask the flip side of the question.
OK ladies, did any of you have easy births? If so tell us. And if you had more were they easier than your other births.
I slept through most of my labor with my son. Doesn’t get much easier than that.
I had a very, very hard pregnancy, and my epidural had to be done twice because the first was botched, so I had a two-week long spinal headache after giving birth, so I paid the price before and after labor.
After a three day long induction that ended in a c-section for the first, so I went with a two hour labor (start to finish) for the second.
Went for a nice long walk, got home about 8:30, started to feel some contractions about 9:00. Finally decided to go to the hospital at 10:00, arrived 10:30, baby born (one push!) at 10:33. An hour after that I’m pushing the baby bassinet to the postpartum ward. I was a little annoyed that I never got to use the hot tub
Me! Three kids, none particularly hard, but #3 was so eager to come that I didn’t make it to the hospital. Prior to her actual birth, I was bustling around, getting the older two ready to go to the sitter, which ended when I squatted down to tie #2s shoes, and announced that we’d better call an ambulance, 'cause this baby was coming RIGHT THE HELL NOW. Pushed once for the head, once for the body.
I didn’t have an easy delivery. However, one of my sisters had 2 sons and a daughter. For her first son, she says she had 3 contractions and he was born; for the second, only one contraction. She says that she just went to the hospital because she felt off (the same word used as the OP’s mother!). When she got pregnant with her third child, her daughter, she insisted that her husband find out how to manage a delivery on his own… but this labour turned out to be closer to the norm-- IIRC, 5 hours or so.
Not me, but I know these two sisters who had a double wedding and got pregnant pretty much at the same time.
The first one had her baby, a healthy boy, everything went well. The second one was visiting her when omygod! her waters broke. The nun can’t have taken more than five minutes to get there, but what she found was the visitor sitting on the edge of the room’s unoccupied bed and the patient who’d rang holding her very-red, very-slippery niece and saying “what do I do with this?”
I understand she still holds the local record for fastest delivery, her other children came out at more normal speeds.
It was a piece of cake. I woke up at 2 am or so thinking I felt a contraction, thought “mmm…maybe tomorrow?” and went back to sleep.
Then I got up at 6:30 with contractions coming about 20 minutes apart, water conveniently and non-messily broke in the bathroom as I was getting ready to head to the hospital.
At the hospital I had an epidural after exactly one painful contraction. I then spent the day playing Scrabble and snoozing. My kid came out with very little drama around 6 pm.
The first night the nurses wouldn’t leave my son in my hospital room with me, saying “You need to REST!” and I was like, “um, from what?”
Also, my son was born on Wednesday, which just happened to be my doctor’s day of doing hospital rounds. So I had his attention off and on all day long instead of only at the very end.
To top it all off, the standard hospital stay for an uncomplicated birth was up to 5 days. I asked the doctor when I could leave and he said that if I wanted to, Saturday would be fine. So I was packing up to go when the nurses came in with my lunch, surprised I was leaving!
The whole thing … all medical personnel, medication and supplies, accommodations, food, whatever … had an all-in cost of less than USD 900.
6 weeks before I was due I woke up at 3 am because I had to go to the toilet. At 3:30 I woke up my boyfriend to take me to the hospital because I felt like somethings going on in my belly.
We got dressed and as I put my shoes on I had to go to the toilet again. There I pushed but nothing happened. Then I touched myself “down there” and “Whoops it’s a head”. That’s when I realized I was delivering.
I called my boyfriend who called an ambulance. Then he brought me a blanket and helped me deliver our son right next to the toilet at 4 am.
The ambulance arrived 5 minutes later and drove us to the hospital.
I needed only 2 pushes. Gladly everything went well.
My brother’s sister had easy natural labours and deliveries- all 3 less than 6 hours total labour, water births, and all 3 babies over 10lbs.
My grandmother tells me she read books during her labours, and that women need to stop making such a fuss these days.
I had a planned c-section-so I wasn’t even in labour.
I had a wonderful experience- calm, quick, painless delivery, no issues nursing and a straightforward recovery. Seriously- I found breast feeding more painful than the c-section pain.
I know it doesn’t really count, but I just want to put it in there because not everyone who has a c-section has a terrible experience.
A friend of mine had her first baby in 25 minutes from her water breaking. It was a good thing they live close to the hospital
Her second child came with the water breaking. I received a voicemail from her that sounded punch-drunk but she was just giddy. She announced, “I gave birth this morning at the stoplight outside the hospital.” She giggled and shouted “It was Jeff’s [her husband] car!” and hung up.
Later she told me that she had a couple of twinges in her back and a contraction at home which cause them both to hit the ground running because of how quickly the first child arrived. Then the second one arrived that much faster.
I had 4 babies, all natural with no medication. All of them were short labors (the longest was 6 hours).
But my third was really easy. One and a half hours from beginning to end, and it just never hurt all that bad. The pain was maybe 70% of what the other ones were.
Wow, I thought mine was easy, but it doesn’t hold a candle to these. I’m still LOLing at the squatting down to tie shoes one!
But mine was relatively easy. Water popped at 7am or so, called the midwife and was told to take my temperature regularly and call back around 1pm. I puttered around, thinking I couldn’t really be in labor (3 weeks early and I wasn’t suffering much). Then I had a couple really strong contractions that felt different - turns out that I was pushing involuntarily. I arrived groaning and at 8cm. They had to stop me from pushing long enough to dilate a bit more, then I pushed for not too long (would have been instant, I think, but her hand was up by her mouth). I wound up giving birth right around 1pm.
So I expected to go superfast with my second. No such luck. I labored from 10:30pm to 7am with her, and was totally exhausted at the end. She was over a pound bigger, and had both arms crossed in front of her neck. And she’s been trying to outdo her big sister in troublemaking ever since.
Woke up around 3am and couldn’t get back to sleep. Decided to get a bowl of cereal (ironically, it was Life cereal, my favorite!) and watch some TV. After I ate the cereal, I leaned over to put the bowl on the coffee table. When I leaned over, my water broke (this was around 3:30). I called the doc who said to meet her at the hospital. I wasn’t having contractions yet (or so I thought–I’d been having Braxton-Hicks for a couple of weeks and thought these were the same because they weren’t painful) so I took a shower, got dressed–even put on makeup and curled my hair!–packed my bag, my husband’s bag, fed the dog, then woke up my husband. We drove to the hospital, they checked me and I was 6 cm dialated and 100% effaced. They got me checked into my room. I started having contractions after that, and later the nurse asked if I wanted to get in the hot tub to speed up labor, so I did. I had an edidural, though she was so small I probably could’ve gone without, and at 2:30pm, my “5 lb sack of sugar” daughter was born!
I did. A scheduled cesarean, as my son was two weeks late. No labor. I got in the OK, got a painful local anaesthetic, and lay there with chattering teeth (OK´s are cold) while the docs got my son out. It was super easy for him too.
Then I had to recover four days from my surgery, and that was no picnic, but not as dramatic as I imagine labor to be.
I did! 3 days before I went into labor, my midwife discovered that I was already dilated to 5cm. Continued life as usual for the next three days, then had my first contraction just after 11pm. Went to the hospital around 2:30am (thankfully, only a 5-minute drive!), delivered at 4:22am.
So, 5 hours. My mom was even faster - with me, her oldest, she was only in labor for 4 hours (left work on her lunch break and delivered before the end of the workday!), and with my brother it was only 2 hours. I hope my next delivery goes that quickly!
Mine were all pretty easy, relatively speaking, but the last was the easiest: Three days after my due date, mild contractions all day, but nothing that would even wake me up if I napped. Ambled around, doing minor stuff around the house, got a shower, changed clothes. Around 11:30 pm, I decided it was time to go to the birthing center, called the midwife, and hubby and I made the 10-minute drive. Waited in the parking lot until the midwife arrived (the student midwife was there, but no staff to unlock the doors.) Five minutes on the monitor, because the state requires it for a delivery at a free-standing birth clinic, and the down the hall to the birthing suite.
Around 12:15 am, my water broke - pretty violently, which was kind of weird. One push for the head, one for the body, and Miss Lily was here at 12:26 am. (And she and I were home before 5 am.)
My youngest nephew was born in the elevator lobby of the maternity floor of the hospital, about an hour after my SIL woke up and told my brother “it’s time!!”.
My daughter was born via C-section - an urgent-but-not-emergent one where they decided she had to come THAT DAY or we’d both die… Aside from the epidural not quite working, it was a breeze; much easier than my son’s delivery. The recovery was a hell of a lot easier too (son’s delivery did a LOT of damage “down there”). That may have been helped by the fact that daughter was in the hospital for 17 days while I was at home, getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep for the first time in nearly 3 years (and last time as well, LOL). I don’t think that’s quite what the OP is looking for, however!