What fanbase do you personally find lame or annoying?
People who are into the whole vampire thing seem pretty lame to me – while Trekkies etc like the show because they’re into engineering, utopian societies, etc, it appears that most people only like vampire stuff because they’re miserable bastards.
People who are obsessed with hardcore anime are probably more sad than lame.
While I find all the recent Whedon browncoat stuff a little tedious, the fans are by no means as visible and insistent as Harry Potter fans – so, while I’m fond of the HP books, I can see how if I was not, the fanbase would be as annoying as all hell.
I think Phish fans and these modern college-age wannabe hippies are the lamest. There were a bunch of these guys when I was going to UF in Gainesville, and you could smell them coming a mile away. Many are reasonably intelligent people who just chose to bake their brains with drugs (pot and a lot heavier stuff) and forego personal hygiene. They dance horribly at concerts, failing their arms and bumping into anyone who is close. They cling to '60s hippie ideals, but live hypocritically – so many of these neo-hippies preach about saving the environment, but drive around in gas-guzzling SUVs their parents bought them. I call these people “Trustafarians,” essentially trust fund brats living a fantasy life with droning jam band music, pot, hallucinogens, and a lack of soap and deodorant.
Invader Zim, Sonic, Avril Lavigne… come to think of it, any fanbase that involves 13-year-old girls. Ugh. Invader Zim and Sonic annoy me the most, the Zim fanbase for its vain attempts to be “random” (here’s a hint: if you’re TRYING to be random, you have failed) and Sonic for their horribly low average IQ. We’re talking apparent mid-80s here. Gah.
The worst I’ve seen is the anorexia fans. Yes, there are people who worship this illness…many refer to it as “Ana” as if it’s some kind of lovely new line of clothing. They brag to each other about how they’re more unhealthy than the last person, eg. “I only had 1 piece of dry toast to eat today, I felt really guilty because I didn’t throw it back up” and “I felt really faint all day, I was sure I was going to pass out but it’s worth it to be 100lbs”. Then they bash anyone else who doesn’t look like Skeletor.
Agreed. Hey, I tried to watch Firefly and it just ain’t my cup of tea. I like my sci-fi (or science-fiction, if you must) chock full of aliens.
Also, Buffy fans. If Buffy was indeed the greatest show ever produced by humankind, more people would like it.
Vampires and their supernatural ilk don’t intrigue me.
All of those previously mentioned rate as quaint curiosities next to the fans of Philadelphia sporting teams. I have never come across a group of people with such an extreme proclivity to being loudmouthed, obnoxious, violent, and unsportsmanlike.
I realize it doesn’t quite fit into the term “fanbase” as being used here, but it has to be said.
Firefly fans, by far. I happened upon some Serenity screening reactions, and I’ve never seen such a departure from reality. They were convinced that there is a studio conspiracy against Whedon, and that if enough people watch Serenity enough times (people were bragging about how many times they planned to go so it) they can put Firefly back on the air. They were also convinced that the studio was withholding special effects budgets and that Serenity “deserves” a larger budget. They seemed to have no idea that studio don’t fund movies based on what they “deserve.”
Added to that, a number of my friends have been forced to sit through Firefly by their so-called friends, despite their protestations that they just arn’t interested.
Even, have you noticed this tactic worked for Family Guy fans.
Oh, and I am loath to admit my hate for any group that invokes passionate feelings for the object of interest. However: Fottball fans, both American and european varieties. The Americans due to their refusal to admitt that not everyone likes fotball, and the Euro-trash for pure crazyness.