Lance Kerwin is the latest of us old timers

I had such a crush on him when I was a pre-teen. I will also mention that Salem’s Lot, the TV mini-series, scared the bejesus out of me.

Pamelyn Ferdin and Kim Richards however abide.

Great, now I have the “James at 15/16” earworm.


Lance Kerwin, star of James At 15, has died at the age of 62.

A cause of death was not provided.

I remember when James at 15 was on the air, and there was big controversy over an episode in which the main character lost his virginity. In particular, the script had the characters talk about being “responsible” as a euphemism for using birth control. This was about 45 years ago.

I never would have watched that show if people hadn’t got so damn worked up about it. I did end up liking it.