Landline phone

Just wondering how many dopers have and use landline phones?

I don’t use one and had disconnected a few years ago. Dispite not using it or getting calls, I still had a bill. :confused: I don’t know anyone who uses a landline who isn’t elderly.

I don’t. I got rid of it when I moved into my house about 7 years ago. Then had to get Vonage when my (now ex) wife was about 7 months pregnant since our cell phone service was spotty in certain areas of the house. After our daughter was born and the cell phone service was better I get rid of Vonage. Just a cell phone now. I really can’t see any reason to have a land line anymore. But if I did need one for some reason I’d probably go back to Vonage (with a battery backup on the network gear).

I have a landline, but as I work from home (telecommuting) it’s a necessary part of my job requirements. I only use it for personal calls when my mobile phone is out of action
And of course, everyone who knows me rings me on my mobile. Thus, the only time I get inbound calls on my landline, it’s another bloody telemarketer. :smiley:

My mum insists I have one, in case there’s a power outage. However, I try explaining to her that I have a cordless handset, and even the kitchen phone wouldn’t work in my apartment, because I have VOIP landline.

But it’s just easier than arguing with her, frankly…

I read through that too quickly. I thought it said you had spotty cellphone coverage because your wife was seven months pregnant, which got better once your daughter was born. LOL!

I don’t own a cell phone, so I still use my landline. Most of my incoming calls these are telemarketers, so my answering machine handles them.I have very few calls that I have to Make RIGHT NOW so a cell is of very limited use.

I still have my landline and use it regularly. I’m 51… does that count as elderly?

My grandparents bought this house brand new when it was built in 1953; my parents bought it from them, and now it’s mine. It’s had the same phone number since it was built. I guess I keep it in part out of sentimentality.

Those pregnancy hormones mess with everything.

But in reality, I suppose it was because of her pregnancy. We got the line during her nesting phase. Honestly, the service wasn’t really that bad as long as you weren’t in the basement. I think she was at the point where she was starting to get nervous that the time between the first twinge of a contraction and actually needing to be in the hospital was a matter of minutes. Either way, for $15/mo it wasn’t a big deal.

I haven’t gotten rid of my landline yet because the charge for internet alone is pretty much the same as internet + telephone.

Another “elderly” 51 yo here. I hate cell phones, mostly because I can never hear anyone on them, or they continually cut out, “oops, tunnel coming up!” I pay $20 every 3 months for my cell phone, the minutes rollover. I never turn it on except when traveling.

Of course I live in the country and most of my friends do too, so not practical.

I’m 49 (soon to be 50) and I have a land-line. I have never had or needed a cell phone (I’m rarely more than 6 feet from my phone), besides it would be an extra expense as I get a discount on my basic phone bill since I’m on disability.
Also I get my DSL from the phone company. Replacing my land-line with a cell phone and getting internet service separately would likely cost more than what I’m paying now(about $40 a month).

I’m just over 40, have a land line and have never had a cell phone.

I’m 23, no landline, cell phone only. I actually kind of wish we had a landline because the door buzzer in our apartment is connected to my roommate’s cell phone, so if I order takeout or have friends over or something, they either have to be let in by someone going out, she has to buzz them in, or they call my phone and I have to go down to the lobby. It’s a bit annoying.

I’m 40, no land line for a while now, just a cell phone and Skype.

I’ve had one since college.

They’ll have to pry my phone from my cold, dead hands.

Especially with the new research on cell phone health dangers. I limit cell phone use.

I’m 53, and I have a landline and a cell phone. I wouldn’t have a cell phone, except that there are almost NO public phones any more.

Everyone knows not to call the cell phone unless I’ve specifically told them to do so, because I don’t answer it. I’ve never sent a text, and the only texts I get are from spammers.

Cell phones are of no use if the cell towers are down, by the way. And I find it very hard to hear anything on a cell, no matter if I’m using one, or my caller is using one.

My husband and I still have one. Cell phone reception inside the house is spotty at best, and I’m not really fond of giving my cell phone number to any business when they need a contact number.

We have one, because it is bundled with the internet. Landline to landline local calls are untimed, so if I’m ringing some place where I’ll have to wait on the phone, it is much cheaper to use the landline. My parents usually ring me on that number, even though we all have cell phones.

We dropped our land line a couple of years ago when the last kid moved out, and probably could have done it sooner. I’ve had to sign up for skype due to my occasional but as many as possible days working from home. Back to back conference calls are hell on cell plans.

If we do get an official work from home program (and I’d sacrifice goats to make it happen) I might need to add one just for the speaker phone functionality (in combination with the non use of cell minutes).

I still have a land line, but only because my alarm company requires it. I never use it for outbound calls, and no one ever calls our land line number. In fact, I think the only person I still communicate with who has our land line number is my mother, and even she may have forgotten it by now as she only calls me on my cell.

Like others, my land line phone service is bundled with my Internet service, the price for which wouldn’t change if I canceled the phone portion.