Hi all,
I like rocks. Always have (inherited from my mother), I studied a fair amount of geology at university and have a decent collection.
My passion however has been on hold for quite a whole due to a severe illness. I am now starting pick up a bit and various people are encouraging me to take up some of my old hobbies. In fact some people are have been so encouraging I feel like sniffling. A couple who knew me as a teen apon hearing of my renewed interest presented me with a fairly vintage rock tumbler and a machine for grinding, cutting and polishing, a fortune in diamond blades, grinding wheels, sanding discs, lapidary grit, some gem stones and minerals. WOW!
I have always wanted equipment like this but the only thing I have ever done with any of my rocks is tap them with a hammer or wash them.
I bought myself a Dremmel (every girl should own one) recently and have discovered I can use it for lapidary type stuff too. Cool!
So finally here come the questions:
Do any dopers out there have any nice simple information , advice hints tips or tricks to do with lapidary. My brain doesn’t quite work the way it used to so I really do mean simple.
I you have some links to really good informative websites I’ love some of those.
Especially for aussie rock lovin dopers: Do you know of any good mail order/ internet based shops where I could replenish my supplies (rocks and fossils too).
I’m having a bash at the rock tumbler at the moment (chalcedony) and I have made a round rock into a pointy rock with the grinder (you never know when you might need a pointy rock)
Any help will be much appreciated.