Laptop keyboard doesn't work

I have an old Dell Inspiron 2650 laptop. All of the sudden the keyboard no longer works. The mousepad works, but not the keyboard. This happened a few years ago, and then all of the sudden (months later) it started working again.

So, I’m back to using the remote keyboard I bought when the problem first arose.

Did I accidentally do something to shut the keyboard off? Just seems weird that it would start and stop working “spontaneously”.

I’ve tried rebooting-- 3 times.

Could be the connector has worked itself loose. Keyboards are not that hard to reseat. What’s the make/model? I can probably point you to a guide for removing it.

Did you need more info than what was in the OP about the make/model? I’m not sure I have anything more.

Should I just take off the back plate and look for a lose cable?

Here are instructions
Try reseating cable. If that fails get a new keyboard off ebay. Be very careful lifting up the side tabs on the plastic bar that that clamps the cable into place. You break those you are SOL.

It worked! Thanks!

I’ll never disagree with you in GD again. :wink: