My old Dell Inspiron is on its last legs, figuratively speaking. It’s around 10 years old, and I plan on buying a new one. I just want to get through the holidays first.
The power button has been a pain in the ass lately. I normally just kept the laptop running, and had it wake up upon opening the lid.
Yesterday, as I was positioning it to watch Netflix, I accidentally unplugged it from the power source. I pulled the keyboard up to reconnect the power button with the mother board (as I said, the power button has been an issue, but I’ve been able to work around it).
While I was doing that, however, the connecting plug pulled loose from the mother board. Now, even after establishing a complete circuit, I can’t get it to power on.
I did some googling, and saw several ways to “jump start” a laptop, but they require the battery to be installed. The battery hasn’t worked in this one in I know seven years.
So, am I screwed? Or is there a way to limp through the rest of this year, using an unconventional method to start it up?