Laptop to DSL Modem? / Multiple DSL Modems?

I’m getting Earthlink DSL installed and want to connect my fiancee’s HP laptop to the DSL modem. It doesn’t appear to have an ethernet port.

What hardware do I need to connect the laptop to the DSL modem? I’m assuming it’s some sort of PCMCIA NIC.

Also, I have a DSL modem for my Mac. Can I attach both modems to the phone line and expect them both to login to the host?

I searched the archives, or tried to, anyway, but ‘DSL’ is too short a search term. (Stupid rules.)

TIA for your advice.

Earthlink should provide you will all the proper hardware, instructions and support. Make sure you let them know your configuration and expectations when you order DSL. Good luck, DSL rocks!!!

Given: Mac has AirPort.

For the HP: If no WiFi built-in, PC-card NIC. I recommend 3Com, whether wireless or copper.

Stay with the router provided by Earthlink, or ask for an upgrade. In my area, they’ve been known to use switched routers with four or five ethernet ports. May tackle the problem outright, once you’ve got the NIC for the HP, and don’t mind a little cabling.

Otherwise, HP OS-independent, you’ll need to buy a firewall/network switch, possibly wireless, for about $75. Either that, or you’ll need to buy two NICs and share the connection through the PC, further complicated by OS and possible absence of host PC.

(Aside, IME: It’s only theoretically possible to share a DSL with two routers; with Earthlink you’d have to thread the needle and hack each router’s MAC address, to no substantive benefit.)
Post some answers and I’ll hit you with a recipe for what I’ve done.

All you need is a PCCard 10/100 ethernet NIC for around $ 30 or so at most retailers after rebate. Even less on Ebay.

Here’s a nice one for $ 18.00

Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Notebook Adapter
$22 After Rebate today only. (friday sale)

This is only ‘b’, you might want to get a ‘g’ card they are faster.

BTW, that requires a Wireless Router.

Thanks, all. I tried googling “PCMCIA NIC” but all I got was a horde of clone online sales sites offering whole lists of stuff for $1 apiece, which seemed odd… and nothing helpful in terms of defining what I’d need.

Even a usenet search wasn’t helpful, which was unusual.

Now… what about drivers? Her HP is running WinME.

I know… but she likes it. And being a Mac person, I don’t want to run the risk of installing an upgrade… on a laptop, especially.

OfficeMAX and Circuit City and Staples will usually have a PCCARD NIC on sale for $ 20 +/_ or so after rebates. All the PCCARD NICS will come with drivers for Win 98/ME/2000/XP.

The only limitation is if her notebook will not accept 32 bit PCARD adapters, but if it’s happily running ME it is most likely a model that will handle a 32 bit PCCARD adapters with no problem.

Re your search you really don’t need to hunt them down online Practically any electronics or office supply store carries these units (often mulitple brands) and they are often on sale for the same or lesser price that would you pay online.

But you’d only notice that speed talking to other computers in your home. ‘b’ is still plenty faster than DSL.
