Thanks for the link- there are actually some good Y2K files there.
Remember that Y2K problems aren’t always catastrophic- these patches fix some minor problems like leap year issues, etc. Check them out if you’re concerned- don’t if you aren’t.
Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.
It should be pretty clear by now that what Microsoft SAYS and what the truth actually IS are two very different things.
I downloaded Microsoft’s y2k product analyzer. This goes through your system and tells you what is and is not compliant. Quite a few things, including Win 95, came back as ‘Compliant (with patch)’. That sounds to me like selling a ‘Brand new car (engine not included)’.
Think about it… if they were compliant, Microsoft, a company whose president actually said that their software NEVER had a bug, wouldn’t be offering patches, would they?
But… if you don’t download the patch and take your chances at the end of the week, the only one at fault will be you.
Joey, strange thing about Macs seems to be that they are already ready. Lucky. But then Im often offered them for free and still don’t want one. really don’t have any more closet space :-)…
Also on that site are Y2k testers that test around 250 things! That’s right, leap year issues, etc.
Most hardware components after 1996 should be compliant. I have heard as early as 1994, but I wouldn’t trust it.
If you purchased a locally produced computer, you should contact them. Mine was built locally, but they didn’t have a fix on their site (the RTC didn’t like the roll over if the machine was left on) but luckily I had the motherboard manual and was able to download a fix.
I tested it last night and Flashing my BIOS worked
BTW, for those of you working with Office 97 there is a patch after SR2…Excel and Access still had some problems with two digit dates. Also, check with your financial software company for an update.
Damn Y2K, I will be working tonight after midnight but will enjoy my New Years day relaxing!
I wouldn’t trust that rule of thumb either. My company just bought me a brand new Dell laptop and the BIOS had to be replaced because it was not Y2K compliant.
handy, you wrote:
Yeah, I know what you mean, but you don’t have to store that useless piece of junk. There are lots of suckers out there still willing to buy old Wintel boxes. That way you can replace it with the superior Mac and not feel guilty.
On a related topic, don’t forget to check your browser. Some of them have a doo-hickey that expires December 31, 1999 (not a Y2K problem, just a programmers’ glitch.) This also applies to Macs - not because the Mac is at fault, of course (that goes without saying), but because of the programmers for the browsers.
I had the sites somewhere - I’ll try to find them and post them.