"Last Comic Standing" -- can't get enough reality?

I brought work home last night (see my thread in MPSIMS), and was doing it while watching TV. After Dog Eat Dog (and as a heterosexual female, I don’t get the point of Barbie/Brooke, making my fondness for this show even more mystifying), I wasn’t done what I was working on, so I watched Last Comic Standing.

Guess what, fellow reality-TV sluts – it’s a good un!

It mixes elements of Big Brother and Surreal Life with a couple of other ideas and it comes out pretty damn entertaining.

There are ten comics in the house, and they go out and do random tasks strictly for the entertainment of the home audience. (Last night they went to an elementary school and each person taught a kid how to tell a joke.) They also do tasks for immunity, since one person is voted out a week. (Last night they had to go out and do street performing – whoever made the most money got immunity and a solo segment on “Extra.”) They show who’s voting who out – and whoever gets the most votes picks one of the people who challenged him or her and they each do a couple of minutes of standup – and the audience picks the better comic, who gets to stay.

It’s got it all – grating personalities, game-playing, strategy, locked-in-a-house-together tensions – plus stand-up comedy.

I’m thinking this is gonna get good. Off now to send a “heads-up” email to the “fellow reality sluts” group in my address book…

The problem with that show is that the comics really aren’t very funny. Except for the really big guy. He’s hilarious. Other than that, though…

I am not a reality TV slut by any means but I have been watching this one because of my age-old interest in what’s funny in our culture. Last night was the third episode; those 10 have been selected from an original group of like 25.

The guy they got rid of last night was a welcome choice because he was a lamer. Hopefully next to go will be that fat, fat, morbidly obese, ebonics-talking non-funnyman. Or the annoying lady with the spiky hair.

Early money’s on Dat Phan the kung fu comic, but I like the Minnesotan who once robbed a gas station.

The guy who didn’t get kicked off last night? (I’ll admit, I had it on last week, but wasn’t really paying attention.) I like him. The fat guy and the statue of liberty chick can both go away, now, pls.

The guy with the ugly hat isn’t that funny but he’s annoying as hell, which makes him interesting to watch.

So far I’ve only watched the elimination rounds on Comedy Central. I didn’t even know it had started yet on … NBC is it?

How much stand up is there in that show? I’d say I like Dat Phan and the guy from Minnesota the most from what I’ve seen in the elimination rounds.

Although the one I connected with the most was the guy who didn’t make the final cut. The one who walked off talking to his picture trying to reassure it that it was ok he didn’t get picked. I thought he was funny.

I believe it was that they had a large west coast group which they narrowed down to 10 and another large east coast group which they also narrowed down to 10. Then those 20 went to Vegas for the semi-finals and were narrowed down to 10 again.

I like the fat guy – he’s one of my favorites on this show. His ebonics thing was a bit off, but his attitude and presence on the stage were good. The spiky-haired blonde can leave, though. She just isn’t funny to me at all.

I’m also a fan of the guy that won the head-to-head. Sorry I can’t remember any names, but he seems funny and relaxed onstage. Even if he loses, I think he could be successful.

It kinda bothers me that the only female that I think is really competitive is the black woman that won immunity. I wanted to see more women as front-runners.