You know when you’re snuggling in bed, close to midnight, not quite asleep yet, but knowing you will be soon and then the phone rings. And you’re suddenly very awake in a way that you really don’t want to be. Who on earth is calling so late at night?
Is it my stressed out friend, weeping over the 6 assignments she has due?
Is it some random international caller, who won’t even speak English, but will eventually work out they have a wrong number, plus it’s the middle of the bloody night (This was my bet)
Or is it the doctor from the pathology clinic, who has just finished analysing your partner’s blood tests, and is ringing to check if your partner is feeling quite OK, or maybe more like he should get himself down to casualty right away?
My partner does feel reasonably OK, so the doctor thinks it’s probably safe to wait till morning. Probably. But head to the hospital straight away if there’s any problems.
I knew my partner was sick. He has been sick for three weeks or more, and the our local doctor keeps telling him to rest and writes out more scripts for antibiotics which do nothing. Our doctor was away this week, so went to the big medical centre nearby. They have lots of facilities, X-rays, on-site pathology. My partner comes over weak while we are waiting, and they lie him down and give him oxygen. The doctor orders X-rays and blood tests, writes out a script for some superdrug. If he’s not better in two days, he will have to go to hospital.
[panic mode]
What do I do … I have two kids asleep in the house, and no one I can ring in the middle of the night. What if the new antibiotics don’t work either, what if he goes to hospital already so sick and gets some horrible MRSA infection? He has been sick for weeks, and just telling me he needs to rest, which is what our doctor said. Menawhile I worried and worried, because he wasn’t eating and not getting better. Now he sees a different doctor and she is obviously as worried as I am. My fears confirmed. It was a relief at first but now I’m freaking out.
Who the hell rings in the middle of the night? Doctors with bad news. ‘Acute systemic infection’. I’m glad he rang, don’t get me wrong, but I am so scared now, and cannot for the life of me get back to sleep.