Latest dumb Trumpism

so now Trump is claiming FBI and DoJ conspired to steal election? Trump appointed the head of these agencies!!

If a busload of his own supporters displeased him, he would throw his own bus under the bus.

I watched his Fox interview this morning in its entirety. If you even want to call it an interview. Maria whomever just let him ramble on and on for an hour repeating the same debunked and dismissed arguments he’s been making for the past months. If you buy any of that horseshit he was trying to shovel well… I have a bridge you may be interested in for a great price.
In his mind if you never admit defeat you never lose. He’s going to stick to the “I was robbed!” story until the day he dies. Even when each and every credible source says otherwise. If you’re not with him you’re part of the conspiracy.
The saddest part really is that there are so many out there in the cult of Trump who buy it. Trump is right, the rest of the world is wrong.

I hope you made this up yourself, because it is the best (and most accurate) put-down I have read in some time. Five stars out of four.

It is mine.

This is without a doubt the best news I’ve heard in about 6 months. Thank you!

If there was to be any success for a Trumply coup, those organizations would be the necessary facilitator.

If they’ve come out against Trump loudly and clearly clearly enough that Trump wants to complain to us about it, that pretty well forecloses any possibility that Trump and his scurvy crew of pirates successful suborned enough of the Executive branch to keep himself in power.

Today we learned that the American people won the election.

I share this sentiment. And I plan to shamelessly steal the put-down.

Only if you attribute it to Marcel Marceau.

So, he should fire Barr, it’s obvious! What do we need to do so that he’s goaded into Tweet-Firing™ Billy B.?

I have seen some Trumpers arguing - with complete sincerity - that Barr is part of the Swamp. After years of having praised Barr as anti-Swamp.

These Trumpers praised Mattis, Barr, Sessions, etc…until those people criticized Trump, then they were Swampers all along.

At what point does it sink in for them that if everyone is anti-Trump, the problem lies with Trump? It reminds me of the joke where a driver is called by his family while he’s on the highway:

“Be careful, John, news is reporting that there’s a madman who’s driving the wrong way!”

“No, dear, it’s a WHOLE BUNCH of them!!!”

About the same time they realize that if the conspiracy to defraud Trump out of the election gets large enough, it would involve enough people that they could just win the election honestly.

So, never?

It’s the other side of the coin we saw after the 1972 election. I don’t see how Nixon could have won. I don’t know a single person who voted for him.

I lived in Berkeley, CA at the time. A friend remarked: If there is even one single person in Berkeley who voted for Nixon (and of course there certainly was at least one) then by extrapolation, Nixon would obviously have won the nationwide vote by a massive landslide (which he did).

Yeah, pretty much.

I’ve heard this summed up as a reference to Elizabeth Taylor:

“If you’ve been married and divorced 8 times, it’s you.”

I’ve heard it phrased as:

“If in your travels you meet an asshole, you’ve met an asshole. If in your travels everyone you meet is an asshole, you’re the asshole.”

If you can’t spot the sucker 30 days after the election, you’re the sucker


When I first heard about this, I thought Trump said it, but it was his campaign lawyer in reference to Chris Krebs, who was on “60 Minutes” last night. That’s close enough.