latest phrases your already sick of..

Think outside the box!

So shut up with that already!

“Sexy kinda.”
It was originally from that 7 up commercial with the truck drivers.
I started saying it, then ** everyone ** at my school started saying it. Now, I just want it to go away!

Can you hear me now?

(I know, it’s not particularly recent, but just go with it.)

My bad.

I’m going to get flamed for this, but “let’s roll”, needs to roll away.

bling bling.

I’m not too hip, so for all I know it’s already on the way out. I hope.

I was mortified when this actually escaped my lips while speaking to a customer the other day (I do technical support). I misdirected her in our troubleshooting and said “Oh, sorry, my bad… can you go back to Start/Settings…” Ugh!

“Jump the shark”

All of these sayings are new? I’ve been hearing most of them for a few years now.

I agree with the “Let’s Roll”.

Over the past couple months, people at my school have been saying “Mawh!” in a tough, gritty tone, possibly to express feelings of…nevermind, I have no idea. It’s strictly an interjection–I’m yet to hear it used in a regular sentence, and it apparantly has no meaning.

“Talk to the hand!”

Ya Baby!

I second “jump the shark.” Drives me nuts. Also, can’t stand the snotty “m’kay.”

“I’m all about the <whatever>.”

“I’m all about the new Lord of the Rings movie.”
“I’m all about getting a beer.”
“I’m all about buying a new car.”

Oh, how I hate that one.

My bad really bothers me.
So does bling bling.
“Action” also bothers me. As in “Look at the snow action.”

I’ll second this.

Another phrase that bothers me is “Goldurned” can’t people just grow up and say god damned?

Oh yes…and what the peck.

First of all, heck, which is the word being replaced here, the word being made less offensive, isn’t even a frigging curseword. So let’s see…censoring something that’s perfectly okay? I’m going to black out any elbows that appear on television.

This one has been in use for years but it is increasingly being used in the media and even here at SDMB: slippery slope.

When did “bling bling” enter the vocabulary ?

Sounds like the noise that slot machines make, to me. But I’ve never heard anyone say it.

****whoosh **** !

c’mon, let me in on the joke.

Nobody is jumping over me.