Law court grabs 50 people from the mall to look for jurors

I… had no idea they could do this.

And yet if someone dragged the judge home to babysit their kids, he’d be all kinds of upset.

It’s happened a number of times before. Judges have a lot of latitude when a trial is ready to go.

I had no idea that babies have a constitutional right to be baby-sat by a judge.

Gotta tell you, we had Judge Judy sit for our kids just twice, and she scared 'em straight, all right.

“Hello, boss? I’m gonna be late coming back from lunch. Balfour Der has invoked a Writ of Talesman upon me. No, I haven’t been watching Game of Thrones.”

LOL. Could you imagine that happening to a couple guys who are active duty military and hitting the mall for lunch or something?

Actually, military and dependents are in a sort of citizenship/resident limbo. While mrAru was active duty, neither of us had to change our licenses to Connecticut - which got the state police dude who pulled me over in a bit of trouble, he issued me a citation for not having a CT drivers license though my Virginia license had the CT address change =) As far as the government cared, I was still a resident of Virginia. He also tried citing me for only having a lap belt, my IH Scout was a ragtop [well, actually no top, we had just pulled the top off to bang out some dents and repaint it, but the vehicle was designed with 3 tops available, rag top, pickup truck top and Bronco-esq SUV top. It only came with a lap belt.]

I know I’ll be more aware of my surroundings from now on…

Next up: Following an old British tradition, press gangs arrive at malls to capture seamen for the Calgarian Navy.

Don’t be absurd. As Calgary is landlocked, I assume they would impress their seamen from the riverwalk. But certainly not the mall. Unless the mall is part of the riverwalk…