LDS: Where are you in your reading?

Greetings to my fellow LDS SDMB members! As I’m sure you know, President Hinkley challenged/advised/counseled/(choose your verb) all of us to read the entire Book of Mormon through this year. Checking my calendar, I see there are just two weeks left and I’m halfway through Helaman. I’m doing this by reading at home and listening to the MP3 while I’m making my public transit commute between Bucheon and Incheon.

Some questions:

1.  About your reading:

    a. How far along are you?
    b. How are you accomplishing it?
    c. What is your advice to late starters?
    d. Did you ever read the Book of Mormon straight through in one sitting?

2. What are some statistics about the Book of Mormon you find interesting?

    a. Number of chapters?
    b. Number of verses?
    c. Shortest/longest chapter/verse?
    d Insert your own question and answer.

Hmmm…I left off one question:

1.d. If you did read the Book of Mormon straight through in one sitting, how long did it take?

Errr…the question posed in post #2 should be numbered and lettered as 1.e. Thank you.

I’m about halfway thru 3 Nephi. I didn’t start until a couple weeks ago, but I have a 2 hour round trip commute, so I’m listening to the tapes as I drive.

So how long is the Book of Mormon?

A little over 500 pages.

A little over 500 pages would be:
[ul][li]Doubleday Edition of November 2004: 573 page.[/li][li]LDS edition of 1979 (in English): 531 pages.[/li][li]LDS edition of July 2005 (in Korean): 676 pages.[/li]LDS edition of December 2000 (in Vietnamese): 688 pages.[/ul]

1a - Finished it about two weeks ago, but I didn’t read it this time around - I listened to it via cassette during my commute.
1b - See above.
1c - just do it - even if you won’t finish by the end of the year, the benefits come from the journey, not the just the completed notch on the belt for finishing. Don’t ge hung up on 2nd Nephi or Jacob 7.
1d - yep, years ago - took me around 14 hours (with breaks), but I would rather spend more time and think it through a little.

Stats? No - not that interested. Just gearing up to read the Old Testament in order to teach Sunday School next year.

Reloy3 & FatBaldGuy: I’m listening to the MP3; however, for some odd reason they drop the last word or two from each chapter. I got the MP3 from the Church’s website. Do you have the same experience with the cassettes?

Nope, not a real problem with the cassettes, but I got those in the 80’s and they have real problems - the volume changes dramatically from verse to verse and the cassettes are getting old. There is a website - (IIRC)- that is giving away free BOM MP3’s if you register, but I haven’t done it. You could try calling the distribution center and explaining the problem, they are very good at cheerfully replacing faulty products (happened to me years ago). Also, check you MP3 player. Some of them can have “fading” settings which minimize the sound as songs are changing to give the “fade out” effect. Have you tried it on other MP3 players?