Leaked report of Russian blackmail of Trump

I am glad Fynn is gone. His crank world view and closeness to trump combined with serious national security experience made him the most dangerous person in the Trump administration.

At the same time I am a bit baffled as to why he was fired; by the standards of this administration what he has been accused of doing doesn’t seem all that terrible. Obviously there is more to the story.

I also wonder what their strategy is for keeping him quiet since he probably has a lot of dirt that could damage Trump especially wrt Russia.

One article that I read noted that the Russia connection is, so far, the only topic that Trump has taken seriously. Three people from his organization have quit/been fired over it.

I’d guess that Bannon (and I’m assuming he’s the one making the decisions) hopes that Flynn’s departure will slow down or even derail investigations into overt cooperation/collusion with Putin’s people during the campaign and after. The odds seem pretty strong that there is more to discover along those lines, and that Flynn was not the only actor.

That’s a really good question. Flynn is a true believer, but even he won’t be content to sit in some trailer park in complete exile from the moving and the shaking. Will Bannon find some way that Flynn can continue as a paid operative on their mutual project (eradicating Islam and democracy, basically, and not necessarily in that order)…?

Flynn’s been feathering his nest with consulting and speaking gigs for foreign governments since Obama fired him from the DIA job. He’ll do just fine without selling his story.

(He’s also pretty batshit crazy - never trust an ideologue to do the right thing.)

Edit: Since he’s crazy, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him spill the beans, but only in a “see? I was just protecting the homeland!” way. His resignation letter makes it pretty clear he doesn’t think he messed up at all.

He apparently lied to Pence about it, which led to Pence making a formal denial on the news shows.

Foreign Policy: The Kremlin is starting to worry about Trump.

You’re lumping everyone together and saying that everyone believes X and the reason they believe it is Y, but X and Y are things you’ve decided on your own.

If this is true (and I have no idea if it is), then I’m somewhat cheered that it wasn’t only the American electorate that misjudged how catastrophically stupid it was to get Trump into the Oval Office. At least we’re no dumber than the Kremlin. That’s something anyway.

And you turned that into comparisons with Hitler. Gotcha.

Anyhow, people have exaggerated Trump’s faults. Awwwwww, the poor baaaaaybeeee! It’s so rough out there.

And some people on a message board did it. This will surely discredit liberal criticism of Trump now and forever. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dude, the reason Godwin’s Law is necessary is that people DO compare other people, particularly powerful political figures, with Hitler. Hyperbole isn’t so recognizable when you’re still describing stuff that happens with some regularity.

It’s like when Paul Ryan said he ran a marathon in under 3 hours. People who aren’t world-class athletes do that. It wasn’t directly obvious that he was exaggerating, so people challenged him on it, rather than just assuming he was bullshitting us.

Gotta admit, that’s awfully tempting. I believe in replying to arguments from other points on the political spectrum, whether their arguments are good or bad. But what I find in your posts is less of an argument than a tangle of ‘I said’ - ‘you said’ - ‘he said’ nonsense. I don’t feel too bad about skipping that. So seeya. :slight_smile:

That’s not Russian businessmen or Russian ambassadors. That’s senior Russian intelligence officials.

And it does feel like this is what it was all about, at the end of the day:

Tit - Trump signs bill killing SEC rule on foreign payments - POLITICO

Tat - How Russia sold its oil jewel: without saying who bought it | Reuters

Trump knew for weeks that Flynn was in communication with the Russiansbefore an after the election. HE KNEW. He was briefed on this.

And yet he let him stay on as National Security Advisor.
He let Pence go out and promote the lie that Flynn had no contact with the Russians. A lie that Trump KNEW was a lie.

That’s the official story but why does this one lie out of so many matter so much? Pence was understandably angry but why does Trump care about that? Trump only looks out for himself.

Pence knows that he could become President at some point and his top priority is to stay clear of the Trump scandals particularly on Russia. But Trump and Bannon understand this too and the better Pence looks, the more vulnerable Trump becomes. Their incentive is to drag Pence into their muck as thoroughly as possible.

Except Pence never said that Flynn had no contact with Russians.

Pence said that in Flynn’s conversation with the Russian ambassador sanctions were not discussed. He said that on Jan. 15th, based on what Flynn told him.

Your article says that the White House (and Trump) was briefed by the FBI on the contents of the conversation on Jan. 26th.

Note the dates. Then feel free to revise what you wrote.

Trouble is, I don’t believe one fucking word that comes out of the White House. Nothing.

That’s fine. But why would you post an article as some kind of backing for your belief that

“He let Pence go out and promote the lie that Flynn had no contact with the Russians. A lie that Trump KNEW was a lie.”

when the article does not say anything to support that?

For gods sake. He let Pence go out and promote the lie that Flynn did not discuss sanctions with the russian ambassador.

I think the point he’s making is that the President had only found out that Flynn had discussed sanctions with the Russians after the Pence denial.

Yeah, because Flynn went rogue and started negotiating with the Russians all on his own. Anybody believe that, I got bridges to sell. Big bridges, YUUUGE bridges.

I don’t know if it’s true that Trump only looks after himself or not, buy even if he does, this embarrasses, not just Pence, but the whole administration, which is bad for Trump, and it also shows that Flynn is the kind of person who’s willing to lie to cover his ass at the expense of Pence, which means he’d do it at the expense of Trump.

All the other lies and spinning… crowd size at the inauguration, bad facts about terrorism and immigration, and so on, are lies against the outside to try to support the administration. This is a lie against the administration.