I was working in the yard this weekend and smashed up my finger. It didn’t require going to the doctor, but I’m never quite sure how long to leave the band-aid with polysporin on versus taking if off.
After a few days now it’s healed enough to where if I bump into something it no longer bleeds, but I know some people who will eave a band-aid on until it is completely healed.
Does exposing a partially healed cut the air help it heal faster, or is it better to keep it protected? Or does it not really matter?
The longer you keep it protected and guarded against infection, the faster it will heal. Leaving a bandage on does not impede healing, although the skin will stay more tender until it’s had a few days’ exposure.
I tend to get a cut, take care of it for a day or so, then put up with a half-healed, slightly infected sore for too long. If nothing else, put the bandaid and neosporin on at night for a few days more after it’s “good enough.” When I remember to do that, I have no problems.
Since it’s a minor wound, if the wound is no longer open and there’s no longer any danger from outside contamination, a bandage is no longer required. Unless you want to leave it on. Your choice.
According to my dermatologist, the standard practice is to use Vaseline and not any medicated creams. Vaseline acts as a physical barrier, keeps the skin moist and there is no over-medication of anti-bacterial medications that promote the growth of superbugs.
IANAD and I am aware of the issues around superbugs and MERSA and so forth, but I can’t really believe that topical use of the very mild antibiotics in OTC triple antibiotic are something to worry about.
In some theoretical global population model, maybe. On a finger with a healing owie… sounds a bit on the panicky side.