Left/right body sides, and a little about "hand" dominance

Got a few questions if anyone has a moment :slight_smile:

The whole left/right dominance thingy is confusing me atm.
I recently visited Copenhagen zoo, where you can compare your grip to the various primates. My right hand gripped like a baboon, while my left hand gripped like a gibbon (save the jokes). Gibbon is stronger than baboon. I am however right handed, should my right hand not be stronger? I have heard the theory that arm muscles can be stronger in non-dominant hand due to using that for “rough work” (carrying, pulling etc) and saving the dominant hand for more fine-motor-thingys. This however related only to grip strength and I was careful only to use my grip, not pull in any other way. Is this odd? Am I actually left handed, but “conditioned”?

My other question is somewhat related. I have been mosquito bitten about 20 times this summer. I am fairly allergic (my left hand looks like an inflated rubber glove as I speak, I can hardly type). However, it seems that the allergic reaction is concentrated to the left side of my body, bites there swell enormously, while bites on my right side of my body only swell normally (slight swelling, slight itching). Any thoughts on this?