Legal to eat your dog?

Ralph Wiggum: “It tastes like … burning”

Only if you yourself are also a dog…it’s a dog-eat-dog world we live in.

Personally I much prefer eating pussy.

But there ya go

Again, it’s a question of individual state law (in the US), though as we get into more exotic species there may be Federal laws to consider too (I don’t know, for example, if wolves/coyotes are federally protected, but if they are that might prevent hunting them regardless of what state law allows).

But basically, if an animal can legally be hunted in the jurisdiction you’re in (i.e., it’s considered a game animal) I’d suspect it can be legally eaten. I suppose it’s possible that there’s a statute banning the consumption of legally killed game animals (a public health measure enacted because the animal is either contaminated by some environmental toxin, or because consumption of the animal may be a disease vector strikes me as the most likely scenarios), but I’m not not aware of any such laws.

Getting back to the rabbit issue for a second, I’m surprised this slipped my mind yesterday. Does anyone remember Michael Moore’s PBS follow up to Roger and Me, a 30 minute performance art piece titled Pets or Meat: The Return to Flint? One of the little vignettes in that (from which the film took its title) featured a woman in Flint who, in the economic turmoil resulting from General Motors closing the manufacturing plants there, tried to get by selling rabbits she bred herself; she marketed them using a hand-lettered sign reading, “Rabbits for sale, Pets or meat”. IIRC, the film was controversial for showing her killing one of the rabbits (via a blow to the head) on camera and then skinning it for consumption; later in the film ISTR she got arrested for selling rabbits for food. I don’t know if that was in specific violation of a Michigan law forbidding that practice, or if the charge was a more general violation of food safety or licensure requirements.



Those laws have got to be some of the least enforceable on the books…seriously, who’s gonna know, unless you’re stupid?

Is the economy getting that bad over there?

Well, the neighbors might notice if you have a new dog every few weeks, especially if you bring home a St. Bernard just before Thanksgiving.

It comes with its own brandy sauce.


Several years ago, a local Chinese restaurant got in trouble for planning to serve dog meat. The local inspector appeared and found a dog carcass in their meat refrigerator. They were closed for a few weeks, and had to pay a fine. (But they also lost a whole lot of business after this was in the papers.)

Actually, the dog carcass had been provided by a customer – a traditionalist chinese man had rented the restaurant back room for his daughter’s wedding dinner, and provided the dog to be served at that dinner.

Supposedly, the inspector had been tipped off by competing restaurants, who had been asked to cook & serve dog, but declined. When they saw that the wedding dinner was scheduled at a competitors restaurant, they informed the inspector.

A hoax on the topic: Did a Korean Soup Company Solicit Animal Shelters for Dogs? |

I’m just glad this isn’t one of those threads that have “Need answer quick!” as part of the title.

It’s not legal in California. And if you do eat it, the law will be ruff on you. There will be a spot on your record. The law’s bite will be worse than its bark. You will wish you had flea’d the jurisdiction. You will forever after howl at the puns your friends make.

For that, to you I bow. Wow.

Ouch. The police really should collar you both.