Like he said Apples and Oranges. Apples and Oranges are both fruits they are both acidic, but they are not the same. Just because two drugs are entheogens doesn’t mean they are the same. I love taking acid in high intensity settings, but I prefer more subdued settings for mushrooms. In fact on mushrooms I become acutely aware of the lack of sensitivity that we deal with on a normal basis, whereas with acid, I don’t really care.
They are certainly both entheogenic, but I wouldn’t compare them. Marijuana is entheogenic as well and I wouldn’t compare it to acid, and well alcohol is not an entheogen.
I think the little known fact that Marijuana has been used as a sacrament for many many years by multiple religions across the globe has something to do with it. Our Christian ruled country doesn’t want pagan rites to be rampant. Remember a lot of this stuff was made illegal during a time where they wanted everyone to fit into a suburban 50s cookie cutter clean cut image, and they associated drug use with what they saw as socially aberrant behavior, like well, being a hippy or a beatnik.
Now to be fair, drug prohibition came during a time of extreme ignorance, and sudden access to many different substances. A lot of drugs were actually national health risks, but instead of educating people about the health risk they just made it illegal, and kept the populace ignorant to this day. In the 50s Doctors were prescribing amphetamines for any number of symptoms and it was causing serious health problems.
Education is the answer, unfortunately that’s not possible under prohibition. Why should know about something you aren’t supposed to do? Did you know it’s illegal for herbalists to tell you what the herbs they sell you do? Besides holding back knowledge of herbal medicine in this country, it also limits the sharing of information, which is not a good thing.
Addiction is a symptom not a cause, you can’t make it illegal to be addicted to something. An addict is looking for a vice to ignore something they don’t want to face, and that can come in teh form of promiscuous sex, rampant drug use, or working night and day. We need to treat the cause, not the symptom, until America realizes that, we’re going to remain a half-literate society.