I think it’s time for all Americans to join together for the purpose of cementing our rights once and for all. I call for the legalization of drugs, the release of drug offenders from jails, and the end of the drug war fought on foreign soil.
Legalize all drugs. I admit that crack and meth are in all likelihood really really bad for you. So is tobacco, so are french fries, so is not cleaning up dog poo. OK, so it’s bad for you. My contention is that it’s nobody’s business but my own whether I choose to get high. It was once against the law to do all kinds of things that are now legal, so I don’t think the “It’s illegal cause it’s bad, and it SHOULD be illegal!” argument holds much water. I know it’s probably really really bad for you. But why is that YOUR problem, or anyone else’s for that matter?
Let’s get the potheads out of jail. We’re footing the bill for these guys to go to Crime Grad School and branding them as evil when all they did was smoke a joint or do a couple of lines.
I do want to say that anyone convicted of crimes other than possession/use should not be included in the above. DUI should still be strictly enforced, since that suddenly becomes everybody’s problem, not just the guy drinking/smokin/shooting.
BUT, the people who are currently in jail for nothing more than using drugs should be out on the streets working at the 7-11 or the law firm or wherever they were before.
Last but not least, let’s end the drug war on foreign soil. I agree with Chomsky on this, that it’s really nothing more than an attempt at US imperialism on other nations.
How to distribute drugs legally? Just like you would distribute alcohol. Be 21 and you can buy whatever you want from the corner liquor store. Since it wouldn’t have to be smuggled across the border in balloons by illegal immigrants and all that baloney, I’m pretty sure it could be grown domestically by farmers for a pittance. It’d probably be really really cheap.
Don’t tax it. Keep it cheap enough to eliminate the black market, and thus a MAJOR money supply for organized crime.
So, with one stroke of the pen, we reduce crowding in jails, decrease federal spending, eliminate all the trouble the Coast Guard has to go to, choke the money supply for the local gangbangers, and ensure that you can put that goofy look back on your face as much as you want.
What do you think?