Legitimate questions on illicit drugs. . . aka "I've never done 'em, so I don't know"

FWIW, back in the day when I did such things, we discovered that filling the bong with hot water was better (made the smoke less harsh) than cold/ ice water.

I thank you all for the honest responses. It’s actually kind of cleaing up a few misconceptions I had, and if you give me a day or two to ponder 'em, I’ll be asking a few more questions. . .

. . . like this: Just what the hell is the big deal about methamphetamines? I’ve seen all the hype about not doing them, but what sort of high does it give you that none of the other stuff does? I can completely see the law enforcement side of things* that they don’t want meth labs all over the place, but what makes meth so damn good that it seems to be the ‘latest fad’ in drugs?
[Personal appeal for the sake of knowledge]

  • A big reason I started this thread, is that while we all are taught to “trust” the police, I know they put their spin on things. I’m not looking for culprits, I’m just looking for the damned honest truth. Thus, I figured asking a naive question here would get some honest results–and I thank you all for them! That being said, and being afeared of raising the ire of the mods, please don’t feel obliged to indicate if you’ve used drugs before. You’re knowledge is good enough. Your personal experience might be a little too much. . .

No, I haven’t been asked by the mods to post that. Call it “preemptive”.

From the excellent The Consumers Union Report - Licit and Illicit Drugs

There’s also long-term toxicity of the dopaminergic system in the brain, as well as risk of cardiovascular outcomes.

Bongs are so last year, man. You have to vaporize now!

lets talk from experience.smoking crack causes you to lose things.your wife,kids,job,car,and anything else you own,if you keep it up.ive known lots of users,all will tell you the same.it aint worth it