Lepre-Cam Pictures Are Up!

This is a very rough first draft of the Official DubDope website. These pictures were all taken with the wee lepre-cam and are rather tiny, but it will give you an idea of what we look like (incredibly gorgeous, every one) and how much fun we had. As soon as everybody scans in their pictures, I’ll have a proper site set up. Considering that these are people who show up at 2 pm for breakfast, this might take awhile!

Lepre-Cam Pictures

yep, the pics are good!! Thanks Tater!!

(I’m dreading Globie’s pictures… me thinks they only get worse!!)

Maybe it’s just me but I can’t see the pictures very well. :frowning: Damnit–there are pictures of Twisty within my clutches and I cannot see them! Cruel fate! (Get it? “Fate”? Twist of…nevermind!)

Oh no, evilbeth, they really are tiny. Just wanted to give y’all a taste of what’s in store. And guess what? They are teeny stickers and everyone to whom we are sending a postcard gets one. I’ll send you a good one of Twisty but not the best one as that is currently on my monitor. He makes the best little faces!

Oh, and sorry to disappoint, but you can’t have the one of John’s butt as it was taken on commission for Sue. Heheh, I really embarrassed myself taking that one. But it’s a long story and you had to be there…suffice it to say that Yoji’s rommies think I’m nuts.

Ooooh, ooooh! Just as long as I get a picture of Twisty, then I’m fine! (BTW, I do get a picture of you, too–right? I don’t know what the face behind that voice looks like!)

I’ll send you one of the dozen or so pictures that me & Cubbybear took of ourselves. We are such camera sluts! The only thing missing from our perfect weekend was you and Sue - you must come to Dopetoberfest next year!

…If things go right maybe Twisty can babysit little Leprechaun L & S for us! :wink:

I’ve already told my hubby–I am going to Germany next year with or without him!! Of course, I’ll have to bring the little Leprechaun (hope, hope!) So, are you planning your misbehaving weekend yet? :wink:

I’m not sure now…told hubby that I’d promised to name the baby Canadian Leprechaun and he’s looking a wee bit scared. But it’s such a great name, works for a boy or a girl! :smiley:

Well, I can see why he looks scared! However, you should have seen my hubby’s face when I told him that we’d have to name our baby Tater Twistyskates! He was not amused!

you could always call your baby “Cubby”!! works for a boy or a girl!

Cubby? I like it!!

NOOOOO! Okay, I know this is being petty of me, but only John can be called Cubby and only I can call him that. I have my reasons, which were well explained in Dublin. Only people in the Cubby can call each other Cubby, okay?


If only evilbeth had been there, she would have gotten into the cubby with us!

I -heart- cubbies. :slight_smile:

my sig says it all… and I’m never going to change it!!

Looks like you folks had a wonderful time, and I wish I could have been there!

Thanks for the pics!!! It looks like everyone had a good time!!!

The pictures only tell half the story!!

Can’t wait for Globe_Trotter and Coldfire to scan some of theirs into a comp.

We should try and get our acts together and put together some pics from all 3 Dubdopes and get it on the peoples page. It only has N. American at present.