Continual idiot–and everyone’s favorite (or maybe second-favorite, now with Nifong) almost-disbarred lawyer–Jack Thompson is once again trying to use current events to blame video games, in this particular case, Counterstrike. The idiotic Phil McGraw has tried to blame video games as well. Besides the irony of Counterstrike being a team game, and not even being a light-gun game at that, the man wrote really bad plays. Obviously, there is only one reasonable response: Ban all drama. Down with Andrew Lloyd Webber and Stephen Sondheim! Down with Tennessee Williams! Enough with that bloodthirsty bastard Shakespeare! No more Thornton Wilder! We can no longer abide the religion and violence (and incest!) from Sophocles and Euripides!
Come, my fellow Americans! We must ban all drama before another massacre can occur!
The article mentions that when the police searched Cho’s room they didn’t find a single videogame. And Cho’s roommate said in an interview on Hardball that he never saw Cho playing a videogame.
Yet, even with overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Thompson still blames videogames. He’s a nutcase.
Uhh… I have clocked some serious time on Quake, Quake II, Rainbow Six, Unreal, Sin, Half-life, etc… and I’ve got some pretty impressive frag-counts. Consistently smoked my flatmates and friends.
…then I went target shooting. Fat lot of good all that “training” did me. :rolleyes:
A first-person shooter is a gun simulator in the same way that Atari 2600 “Bi-Planes” is a flight simulator.
Ok - I mean, Andrew Lloyd Webber can go. Seriously. But Sondheim? LEAVE STEPHEN ALONE.
If were going to take the murdering, the blood guts and gore, revenge killings, incest, slaughter of innocents, plagues, all that… can we take the bible out too? I mean, shit, have you read that thing?